Int. No. 468
By Council Members Williams, Yeger, Won, Salaam, Hanif, Stevens, Abreu, Menin, Lee, Hanks, Ossé, Zhuang, Marte, Nurse, Brannan, Cabán, Avilés, Krishnan, Holden, Dinowitz, Riley, Ung, De La Rosa, Farías, Louis, Hudson, Banks, Narcisse, Gennaro, Restler, Joseph, Gutiérrez, Schulman, Powers, Sanchez, Bottcher, Brewer, Salamanca, Mealy, Ayala, Vernikov, Ariola, Paladino, Borelli and Carr
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of New York, in relation to the department of transportation posting information on traffic control device and speed reducer requests on its website
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subchapter 3 of chapter 1 of title 19 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 19-185.1 to read as follows:
§ 19-185.1 Publication of traffic control device and speed reducer requests. No later than November 1, 2023, the commissioner shall make available on a website information regarding traffic control device and speed reducer requests. The website must be searchable by case number and address.
b. For each request the website shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information:
1. Case number;
2. General topic;
3. Issue;
4. Status;
5. Resolution;
6. Reason for approval or denial of the request; and
7. If approved, the timeline for completion of request.
c. The commissioner shall update the website as soon as practicable upon any update or change to a request.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
Session 13
LS #6856
Session 12
LS #6856
4/12/23 10:20am