Res. No. 271
Resolution commemorating April 25, 2004, as Yom Ha’Zikkaron, a day of remembrance for the Israeli soldiers killed in the struggle for Israeli Independence.
By Council Members Nelson, Weprin, Avella, Clarke, Fidler, Gerson, Katz, Koppell, McMahon, Perkins, Recchia, Sears, Serrano, DeBlasio, Gennaro, Brewer, Liu, Rivera and Comrie
Whereas, In the 24 hours preceding Israeli Independence Day is Yom Ha’Zikkaron, the day upon which Israel remembers its fallen soldiers who died in pursuit of the dream of homeland and of independence; and
Whereas, The modern State of Israel is indebted to the soldiers who gave their lives in the struggle to build a nation and on this day, Yom Ha’Zikkaron, the nation of Israel remembers those who have fallen in this struggle; and
Whereas, Yom Ha’Zikkaron enables the Israeli people and Jews all over the world to remember the builders of the great nation of Israel, which has served as a homeland for the Jewish people for over fifty years and which continues to grow and prosper as a modern nation; and
Whereas, In Israel, Yom Ha’Zikkaron commences with the sound of sirens proclaiming a two-minute silence during which all activity ceases, and at sundown, the somber, reflective mood gives way to the celebration of Yom Ha’Atzma’Ut, or Israeli Independence Day; and
Whereas, The State of Israel and the remembrance of those who helped to make a Jewish homeland possible is of great significance to the City of New York, which is home to one of the largest populations of Jews in the world; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York commemorates April 25, 2004, as Yom Ha’Zikkaron, a day of remembrance for the Israeli soldiers killed in the struggle for Israeli Independence.