Res. No. 5
Resolution calling upon the New York State legislature to provide senior citizens with discounted rates for driver license renewals.
By Council Members Avella, Addabbo, Baez, Barron, Clarke, Comrie, Felder, Gennaro, Gerson, Jennings, Monserrate, Nelson, Recchia, Rivera, Sanders, Vann, Weprin, Jackson, Brewer, Fidler, Foster, Gentile, James, Martinez and Quinn
Whereas, A large majority of senior citizens living in New York City are suffering from an escalating financial burden as a result of increases in the cost of transportation, health care and prescription medicine, as well as increased water rates; and
Whereas, Most senior citizens are on extremely limited fixed-incomes and are not in a position to absorb these increases; and
Whereas, Many senior citizens have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars saved for retirement and are faced with the prospect of losing their homes in order to survive due to the current state of the economy and the performance of the stock market over the past few years; and
Whereas, Even though the cost of driver license renewals may have grown at a reasonable rate, it would be a welcome benefit to senior citizens for the State to provide them with discounts on these renewal costs; and
Whereas, While a discount on driver license renewals may not save each senior citizen a large sum of money, it would be a gesture of support and respect to provide the discount and lessen the financial burden if only a little; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State legislature to provide senior citizens with discounted rates for driver license renewals.