Res. No. 984
Resolution calling upon Governor George Pataki to request from the New York State Assembly and sign into law A. 8930 and S. 5592, which would allow the City of New York to increase the income eligibility levels for the Senior Citizens Homeowners Exemption program.
By Council Members Comrie, Addabbo, Avella, Baez, Fidler, Gentile, Gerson, Gioia, Katz, Liu, Martinez, Nelson, Quinn, Recchia, Reed, Rivera, Seabrook, Sears, Serrano, Stewart, Weprin, Yassky and Gennaro
Whereas, The Senior Citizen Homeowners Exemption, or SCHE, provides reduced property taxes for eligible New York City senior citizens who own and occupy residential properties; and
Whereas, To be eligible, one must be aged 65 and older, and be the titled owner and occupant of the property for which the tax abatement is sought; and
Whereas, Currently, to qualify for the maximum tax exemption of 50%, an applicant must have an annual household income of $21,500; and
Whereas, Households with incomes over $21,500 and under $29,900 may qualify for exemptions of between 5 and 45 percent; and
Whereas, As the New York State Legislature must approve all property tax abatements, changes in SCHE income eligibility levels must be enacted by amending the State authorizing law, Real Property Tax Law ยง467; and
Whereas, Only after the State law is amended can New York City's local SCHE law be changed to raise the qualifying income levels; and
Whereas, On June 17, 2003, the Assembly passed A. 8930, which would increase the SCHE income eligibility levels by $2,500; and
Whereas, Under this bill, a senior must have an annual household income of $24,000 or less to qualify for the maximum tax exemption of 50%; and
Whereas, Furthermore, households with incomes over $24,000 and under $32,400 would qualify for exemptions of between 5 and 45 percent; and
Whereas, On June 18, 2003, the State Senate passed S. 5592, an identical version of A. 8930, and returned this legislation to the Assembly for delivery to Governor Pataki; and
Whereas, Because there are numerous bills awaiting the Governor's signature, the Governor's office must request specific bills for delivery; and
Whereas, To date, the Governor's office has not requested A. 8930 and S. 5592 for delivery and signature; and
Whereas, Raising the annual income qualification levels for SCHE would ease the burden of higher property taxes for a greater number of senior beneficiaries; and
Whereas, In addition, raising the annual income eligibility levels for SCHE would provide seniors with additional assistance to ensure that they are able to maintain ownership of their homes; and
Whereas, In light of the above, it is imperative that the Governor act on A. 8930 and S. 5592 as soon as possible; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon Governor George Pataki to request from the New York State Assembly and sign into law A. 8930 and S. 5592, which would allow the City of New York to increase the income eligibility levels for the Senior Citizens Homeowners Exemption program.
LS# 2854