File #: Int 0925-2024    Version: * Name: Requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings.
Type: Introduction Status: Laid Over in Committee
Committee: Committee on Housing and Buildings
On agenda: 5/23/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings
Sponsors: Farah N. Louis, Tiffany Cabán, Justin L. Brannan, Lynn C. Schulman, Christopher Marte, Pierina Ana Sanchez
Council Member Sponsors: 6
Summary: This bill would require annual inspections of steam radiators located in apartments where a child under 6 resides and in the common areas of the buildings where such apartments are located. Inspection of a steam radiator would also be required if owner knows or has reason to know about a potential defect or damage of the radiator. The inspection would be conducted by a licensed plumber or someone under the supervision of a licensed plumber. Owners would be required to provide inspection reports, repair or replace any radiators with damage or a defect, and present notice to occupants to determine if a child under 6 resides in each unit. Owners would be liable for civil penalties for failure to comply with these requirements.
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 925, 2. Int. No. 925, 3. May 23, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 5-23-24, 5. Committee Report 10/16/24, 6. Hearing Testimony 10/16/24

Int. No. 925


By Council Members Louis, Cabán, Brannan, Schulman, Marte and Sanchez


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the inspection of steam radiators in multiple dwellings


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Subchapter 2 of chapter 2 of title 27 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new article 15 to read as follows:



§ 27-2056.21 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms have the following meanings:

Common area. The term “common area” means a portion of a multiple dwelling that is not within a dwelling unit and is regularly used by occupants for access to and egress from any dwelling unit within such multiple dwelling.

Covered dwelling unit. The term “covered dwelling unit” means any dwelling unit where a child under the age of 6 resides.

Covered multiple dwelling. The term “covered multiple dwelling” means a multiple dwelling in which there is at least 1 steam radiator.

Inspector. The term “inspector” means a licensed master plumber, or an individual under the direct and continuing supervision of a licensed master plumber, that conducts inspections of steam radiators pursuant to this article.

Steam radiator. The term “steam radiator” means a heat exchanger that is a component of a central heating system that uses steam to provide heat to rooms.

§ 27-2056.22 Owner’s responsibility to inspect. a. At least once per year, the owner of a covered multiple dwelling where there is at least 1 covered dwelling unit shall cause an inspection to be conducted of all steam radiators located in all covered dwelling units and common areas within the covered multiple dwelling. In addition, the owner of a covered multiple dwelling shall cause an inspection to be conducted of a steam radiator within 7 days after the owner knows or has reason to know of a potential defect or damage of the steam radiator, including when an occupant makes a complaint concerning the steam radiator or the department issues a notice of violation or orders the correction of a violation relating to the steam radiator. Any inspection conducted pursuant to this subdivision shall be conducted by a licensed master plumber, or an individual under the direct and continuing supervision of a licensed master plumber.

b. When conducting an inspection pursuant to subdivision a of this section, the inspector shall (i) test the integrity of each component of the steam radiator to determine if it is in safe operating condition and (ii) do a visual inspection for indicators of possible defects or damage of the steam radiator, including, but not limited to, leaking water, browning floors or walls, signs of corrosion on the steam radiator or its surrounding surfaces, any other evidence of water damage, and looseness of the steam radiator valves.

c. If an inspection reveals a defect or damage of the steam radiator, the inspector shall notify the tenant, the owner and the department within 48 hours. The owner shall correct such condition within 14 days of the inspection. If an inspection reveals that any steam radiator is in a condition that is likely to be hazardous to life or safety, the owner shall take the steam radiator out of service within 24 hours of such inspection and must repair or replace the steam radiator within 7 days of the inspection.

d. An owner who fails to have inspections conducted or to remediate damages, defects, or hazardous conditions in accordance with this section shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $1,000.

§ 27-2056.23 Owner’s inspection report. a. No later than March 1 of each year, the owner of a covered multiple dwelling shall file a signed record with the department that reports all steam radiator inspections completed within the previous calendar year. Such record shall include, for each steam radiator inspection:

1. The address of the building;

2. The dwelling unit or common area where the steam radiator is located and the location of the steam radiator within the dwelling unit or common area;

3. The name and address of the inspector;

4. The date of inspection;

5. The results of the inspection, including the status of the integrity of each component of the steam radiator, any noted visual indicators of possible defects or damage of the steam radiator, and if a condition likely to be hazardous to life or safety was determined to be present; and

6. If applicable, any actions taken to remediate a defect, damage, or hazardous condition.

b. An owner who fails to file a signed record with the department in accordance with this section shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $500.

§ 27-2056.24 Notification to tenants. a. All leases offered to tenants in covered multiple dwellings shall contain notice, conspicuously set forth therein, which advises tenants of the obligation of the owner of the covered multiple dwelling to inspect steam radiators in dwelling units where a child under the age of 6 resides.

                     b. Each year, an owner of a covered multiple dwelling shall, no earlier than January 1 and no later than January 16, present to the occupant of each dwelling unit in such multiple dwelling a notice inquiring as to whether a child under the age of 6 resides therein. Such notice shall be presented as provided for in subdivision c of this section, and shall, at minimum, be in English and Spanish. Notice given pursuant to subdivision e of section 27-2056.4 shall satisfy the requirement of notice in this subdivision.

                     c. The owner may present the notice required by subdivision b of this section by delivering the notice by any one of the following methods:

1. By first class mail, addressed to the occupant of the dwelling unit;

2. By hand delivery to the occupant of the dwelling unit; or

                     3. By enclosure with the January rent bill.

d. Upon receipt of such notice, the occupant shall have the responsibility to deliver by February 15 of that year, a written response to the owner indicating whether or not a child under the age of 6 resides therein. If, subsequent to the delivery of such notice, the owner does not receive such written response by February 15, and does not otherwise have actual knowledge as to whether a child under the age of 6 resides therein, the owner shall notify the department of that circumstance no later than March 1 of that year.

e. An owner who fails to present notice in accordance with this section shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $500.

§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.


LS #16154

03/29/24 2:30 pm