Res. No. 167
Resolution recognizing April as "Child Abuse Prevention Month."
By Council Members Vallone Jr., Fidler, James, Koslowitz, Rodriguez, Van Bramer, Williams, Nelson and Halloran
Whereas, Child abuse is a serious problem in our city, state, and nation; and
Whereas, This is exemplified by the fact that nationally an estimated 1,760 children died of abuse or neglect in the Unites States in 2007, the most recent numbers available; and
Whereas, A report titled "2007 Annual Report on Child Fatalities" prepared by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services found that 227 deaths were alleged to have occurred due to abuse or maltreatment and were registered as child protective services reports; and
Whereas, 106 of the 227 fatalities occurred in the New York City metropolitan area, the highest in the state; and
Whereas, Preventing these abuses prevents child fatalities; and
Whereas, According to testimony provided by the Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hynes, to the City Council on March 31, 2009, the death of Nixzmary Brown and the conviction of her killers has caused a steady increase in the reporting of child abuse; and
Whereas, Many untold stories are held by suffering children throughout communities across our city and our nation; and
Whereas, Shining a spotlight on the psychological scars and tragic consequences of abuse are the goals of recognizing April as "Child Abuse Prevention Month"; and
Whereas, Empowering and informing the public by alerting them to the good they can do by knowing the signs of abuse and providing them the resources to combat child abuse in its many forms are key ways to prevent and stop child abuse and to prevent child fatalities; and
Whereas, Community members and neighbors often need encouragement to break their silences to expose possible incidents of abuse and are an integral part in preventing abuse; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York designates April as "Child Abuse Prevention Month."
LS 817
2 pages