File #: Int 0272-2024    Version: * Name: Capital plan and timeline for installing public bathrooms.
Type: Introduction Status: Laid Over in Committee
Committee: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
On agenda: 2/28/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law in relation to a capital plan and timeline for installing public bathrooms
Sponsors: Rita C. Joseph, Lincoln Restler, Julie Won, Oswald Feliz, Gale A. Brewer, Shaun Abreu, Farah N. Louis, Christopher Marte, Jennifer Gutiérrez, Shahana K. Hanif, Yusef Salaam, Kevin C. Riley, Amanda Farías, Carmen N. De La Rosa, Crystal Hudson, Alexa Avilés, Tiffany Cabán, Chris Banks, Mercedes Narcisse, Selvena N. Brooks-Powers, Chi A. Ossé, Susan Zhuang, Carlina Rivera , Sandy Nurse, Kamillah Hanks, Shekar Krishnan, Lynn C. Schulman, Justin L. Brannan, Nantasha M. Williams, (by request of the Manhattan Borough President)
Council Member Sponsors: 29
Summary: This bill would require that the Mayor designate an agency/office, in coordination with the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Transportation, to develop a report that proposes a capital project plan and implementation timeline for the installation and maintenance of public bathroom facilities at each of the sites to be identified pursuant to introduction number 258-A. The report would further propose a scope of project, estimated costs, potential funding sources, and appropriate maintenance schedules for each facility. The bill would also require the lead agency/office to consider relevant population data and social and equity indicators and to consult with qualified city entities regarding foreseeable challenges to the facilities’ installation and maintenance.
Indexes: Report Required
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 272, 2. Int. No. 272, 3. February 28, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 2-28-24, 5. Committee Report 5/30/24, 6. Hearing Testimony 5/30/24, 7. Hearing Transcript 5/30/24, 8. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - February 28, 2024

Int. No. 272


By Council Members Joseph, Restler, Won, Feliz, Brewer, Abreu, Louis, Marte, Gutiérrez, Hanif, Salaam, Riley, Farías, De La Rosa, Hudson, Avilés, Cabán, Banks, Narcisse, Brooks-Powers, Ossé, Zhuang, Rivera, Nurse, Hanks, Krishnan, Schulman, Brannan and Williams (by request of the Manhattan Borough President)


A Local Law in relation to a capital plan and timeline for installing public bathrooms


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. a. Definitions. For purposes of this section:

1. The terms “capital project,” “scope of project,” “proposed scope of project,” and “cost” have the same meanings as set forth in section 210 of the New York city charter.

2. The term “introduction number 258-A” means a local law for the year 2022 relating to a report on suitable locations for installing public bathrooms, as proposed in introduction number 258-A.

b. Report. No later than May 31, 2024, an agency or office designated by the mayor, in coordination with the department of parks and recreation and the department of transportation, shall submit to the mayor and to the speaker of the council a report that proposes a capital project plan and implementation timeline for the installation and maintenance of public bathroom facilities at each of the sites to be identified pursuant to introduction number 258-A. The report shall contain a detailed estimate of the costs either to acquire and install or to design and construct each public bathroom facility, as well as the costs to maintain each facility. In addition, such report shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information:

1. A proposed scope of project that conforms to the standards and limits set out under section 221 of the New York city charter;

2. The cash flow requirements and proposed sources of funding for each bathroom facility, including estimated expenditures for each fiscal year until its completion;

3. A summary description of the factors that led to the determination of the proposed site, proposed type of facility, proposed safety measures, and other projected costs, including a description of how these determinations address the challenges identified pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 of subdivision b of section 1 of introduction number 258-A;

4. A proposed schedule for beginning and completing the installation of each facility, with no fewer than 12 facilities proposed for installation annually and a target completion date for all facilities of no later than June 1, 2035;

5. Each facility’s period of probable usefulness;

6. An appropriate maintenance schedule, including estimated annual costs through the end of fiscal year 2029; and

7. A description of how the equity evaluation required under subdivision d of this section was undertaken, and how the findings are reflected in the proposed installation schedule, funding streams, and maintenance schedules.

c. Coordination. In preparing the report, the designated agency or office, in coordination with the department of parks and recreation and the department of transportation, shall consult with other city agencies, offices, or entities that are qualified to address the challenges identified pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 of subdivision b of section 1 of introduction number 258-A. Such city agencies, offices, or entities may include but need not be limited to the department of city planning, the department of small business services, the department of design and construction, the department of environmental protection, the office of management and budget, the mayor’s office of contract services, a contracted entity as defined in section 22-821 of the administrative code of the city of New York, and any other city agency, office, or entity that may aid or influence the siting, planning, construction or maintenance of each facility.

d. Equity considerations. In proposing an installation timeline, allocation of funds, and maintenance resources for each facility pursuant to paragraphs two, four, and six of subdivision b of this section, the designated agency or office, in coordination with the department of parks and recreation and the department of transportation, shall give priority to each facility or group of facilities based on its estimated potential to improve social, economic, and environmental equity outcomes.

§ 2. This local law takes effect on the same date as a local law in relation to a report on suitable locations for installing public bathrooms, as proposed in introduction number 258-A for the year 2022, takes effect.


Session 13

LS #10294



Session 12


LS #10294
