Res. No. 433-A
Resolution declaring September 21, 2006, as "Myositis Awareness Day" in the City of New York.
By Council Members Oddo, Comrie, Gennaro, Mealy, Stewart, Weprin, Dickens, Sears, Avella and Lanza
Whereas, According to the Myositis Association, "myositis" is a general term that describes swelling of the muscles, and is associated with several different illnesses, including polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and inclusion body myositis, as well as forms of myositis that occur in children (juvenile myositis); and
Whereas, Myositis can also occur in people with other rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and scleroderma; and
Whereas, All forms of myositis involve chronic or persistent muscle inflammation, which almost always results in weakness, and may be associated with inflammation in other organs or areas of the body, such as the joints, heart, lungs, intestines and skin; and
Whereas, According to the Myositis Association, it is estimated that each year, five to ten out of every one million people in the United States develop one of the forms of myositis; and
Whereas, It is unknown as to what triggers the outbreak of myositis and there is no known cure for myositis, although aggressive treatment can reduce inflammation and help prevent muscle weakness from progressing; and
Whereas, Myositis usually develops slowly over time, and can range in severity from mild to debilitating or worse; and
Whereas, While myositis, according to the Arthritis Foundation, can affect people of any age, most children who develop the disease are between five and 15 years of age, and most adults are between 30 and 60 years of age; and
Whereas, The Arthritis Foundation indicates that like many other inflammatory rheumatic diseases, most forms of myositis affect more women than men, with the exception being a specific form of myositis called inclusion body myositis, which affects more men than women, and which almost always affects older individuals; and
Whereas, The first sign of myositis is often weakness and pain in the muscles of the hips and shoulders, causing individuals to have difficulty rising from a chair, climbing the stairs, or combing their hair, and in some cases to become too tired to stand or walk; and
Whereas, Myositis can also affect the muscles in the front of the neck and throat, causing difficulty in speaking or swallowing, and it can also affect the lung and/or chest muscles causing difficulty in breathing; and
Whereas, Many Americans are not aware of the devastating impact this disease has on those who suffer from it, as well as on their family and loved ones; and
Whereas, Myositis Awareness Day is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of this debilitating illness, and seventeen states have passed proclamations recognizing September 21 as Myositis Awareness Day; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares September 21, 2006, as "Myositis Awareness Day" in the City of New York.
LS # 1196
ED 6/29/06