Int. No. 349
By Council Members Gentile, Jackson, Clarke, Comrie, Gennaro, Gerson, Jennings, Koppell, Lopez, Perkins, Quinn, Stewart, Yassky, Moskowitz, Boyland, Brewer, Liu, Nelson, Weprin and Gonzalez
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter in relation to the department of citywide administrative services.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Section 329 of the New York city charter is amended by adding a new subdivision e to read as follows:
e. Subject to the approval of the comptroller, a specific procurement of a specific good may be delegated by the commissioner of citywide administrative services, in the best interest of the city, to any agency for direct purchase by such agency, and shall not be subject to the provisions of subdivisions b, c or d of this section; provided, however, that such delegation shall not be made for goods that are to be generally used by city agencies.
§2. This local law shall take effect 45 days after adoption.