Res. No. 154
Resolution opposing Governor Pataki's recent proposed cuts to public assistance spending, which would harm families struggling to make ends meet and would not provide appropriate supports for recipients of public assistance working towards permanent self-sufficiency.
By Council Members Martinez, The Speaker (Council Member Miller), DeBlasio, Boyland, Dilan, Weprin, Gerson, Gennaro, Brewer, Seabrook, Quinn, Perkins, James, Palma, Sanders, Serrano and The Public Advocate (Ms. Gotbaum)
Whereas, Governor Pataki's proposed 2004-05 Executive Budget (the "Executive Budget") contains several proposed changes to public assistance programs statewide; and
Whereas, In a purported attempt to reduce New York State's deficit, Governor Pataki recommends provisions aimed at significantly decreasing spending on public assistance; and
Whereas, The proposed budget cuts would be realized through the reduction of public assistance benefits, the imposition of sanctions on struggling families and by decreasing essential supports for low income workers who remain eligible for public assistance; and
Whereas, Specifically, the Governor proposes reductions in non-shelter related benefits for any single adult or childless couple on welfare for more than one year, as well as reductions for families on welfare for more than five years; and
Whereas, The Governor further proposes full-family sanctions, which would authorize removal of welfare benefits from an entire family if the head of the household fails to comply with work requirements; and
Whereas, The Governor also proposes to further reduce the amount of earnings public assistance recipients may disregard for purposes of determining eligibility for public assistance and benefits levels, which would reduce benefits that provide crucial supports for low income workers; and
Whereas, These proposed changes would have a severe negative effect on families in New York that are already struggling to make ends meet; now, therefore, be it
Resolved that the council of the city of New York opposes Governor Pataki's recent proposed cuts to public assistance spending, which would harm families struggling to make ends meet and would not provide appropriate supports for recipients of public assistance working towards permanent self-sufficiency.