Resolution supporting the striking workers at Yale University and its teaching hospital and calling upon all Yale University Trustees to intervene in this dispute and open a dialogue with the union to settle the current situation.
Res. No. 1038
Resolution supporting the striking workers at Yale University and its teaching hospital and calling upon all Yale University Trustees to intervene in this dispute and open a dialogue with the union to settle the current situation.
By Council Members Quinn, Avella, Barron, Clarke, Comrie, Fidler, Foster, Gennaro, Gentile, Gerson, Nelson, Recchia, Reed, Seabrook, Weprin and Reyna
Whereas, About 4,000 university employees in Locals 34 & 35 of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union and 150 Yale-New Haven Hospital employees of District 1199 New England of the Service Employees International Union have been on strike since August 27, 2003; and
Whereas, These workers provide much needed support to Yale, which is one of the nation's wealthiest organizations; and
Whereas, Yale, located in the city of New Haven, has a certain responsibility to members of the community in which it resides; and
Whereas, Many of these workers are lifetime residents of New Haven and have limited options for employment; and
Whereas, The striking workers are sacrificing wages and time to stand for what they believe is their right to fair wages, decent pension benefits and job security; and
Whereas, These workers and all working class Americans deserve to earn just wages for honorable work, especially from an institution that profits so immensely from their labor; and
Whereas, The 16 Yale University trustees are the final decision-makers at Yale, but have thus far refused all attempts to engage in a dialogue to end this crisis; and
Whereas, Yale should make all efforts to settle this strike; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York supports the striking workers at Yale University and its teaching hospital and calls upon all Yale University Trustees to intervene in this dispute and open a dialogue with the union to settle the current situation
LS# 3080
Date 9/15/03
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