Int. No. 534
By Council Members Perkins, Quinn, Baez, Barron, Boyland, Clarke, Comrie, Foster, Gentile, Gerson, Gioia, Koppell, Liu, Lopez, Martinez, Nelson, Recchia, Reed, Rivera, Serrano, Stewart, Weprin and Brewer
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the creation of a pest control board.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Title 17 of the administrative code of the city of New York is hereby amended by adding a new chapter 9, to read as follows:
§ 17-901. Pest control board.
§ 17-901 Pest control board. a. There shall be a pest control board consisting of seven members. Two members of the board shall be appointed by the mayor, provided that at least one such member shall have experience in pest control; two members shall be appointed by the speaker of the council, provided that at least one such member shall have experience in pest control; and one member, who shall be the chairperson, shall be appointed by the mayor after consultation with the speaker. The commissioners of the department of health and mental hygiene and the department of sanitation, or such appointee of such commissioner, shall serve ex officio. Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be filled by appointment by whosoever was responsible for such original appointment.
b. The members of the board, other than the ex officio members, shall be compensated at the rate of one hundred dollars per calendar day when performing the work of the board.
c. The board may employ staff, including an executive director and a counsel, as is necessary for carrying out its duties, and to promote understanding of, and compliance with, the requirements of this chapter, and make necessary expenditures subject to appropriation.
d. No member of the board shall be removed from office except for cause and upon notice and hearing.
e. The board shall have the power to investigate all matters relating to the performance of its functions and any other matter relating to the proper administration of this chapter and for such purposes shall have the power to require the attendance and examine and take the testimony under oath of such persons as it shall deem necessary and to require the production of books, accounts, papers and other evidence relative to such investigation.
f. The board shall have the authority to implement any system established for the control and/or eradication of rodents, vermin, insects and other pests, including the promulgation of rules and regulations and the imposition of any penalties related thereto, as required by local law.
g. The board may take such other actions as are necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
h. The board shall issue an annual report to the mayor and council. Such report shall include a study of the pest population in the city, describing changes in its demographics and any new or ongoing health concerns associates with such pest population, and the board’s recommendations for combating such pest population and proposed legislation, as necessary, to accomplish such recommendations.
§2. This local law shall take effect immediately.