Res. No. 1741
Resolution recognizing the month of March, 2001 as Women's History Month and encouraging all New Yorkers to observe this occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
By Council Members Eisland, The Speaker (Council Member Vallone), Eldridge, Marshall, Clarke, Watkins, Koslowitz, Wooten, Quinn, Pinkett, Moskowitz, Cruz, Povman, Perkins, Robinson, Malave-Dilan, Espada, Freed, Provenzano, Reed, Robles, Abel and Golden; also Council Members Dear, DiBrienza, Fisher, Harrison, Leffler, Michels, Nelson and O'Donovan
Whereas, The Century that has just ended saw women make great strides in advancing their social, political and economic situation,
Whereas, The 20th Century was the breakthrough century for women's rights, achievement and progress around the world, building upon the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, which was the advent of the modern Women's Rights Movement, and indeed tracing back a much longer lineage to such exemplars and crusaders for women's rights as Anne Hutchinson and Abigail Adams; and
Whereas, The role of women not only in their own struggle for equality under law and in the society, but in other crucial progressive reforms such as the civil rights movement, the labor movement, the consumer-rights movement, the human rights movement and others must be recognized and respected; and
Whereas. Women of every race, class, ethnic background and sexual orientation have critical roles in every aspect of the life of this nation, state and city; and
Whereas, Great attention must be paid to women's health issues, with an emphasis placed on prevention, including mammography screenings for breast cancer and widespread and comprehensive education programs; and
Whereas, The 20th Century has brought women into the highest levels of government, as Justices of the United States Supreme Court, as members of the Cabinet, as Representatives and Senators in the United States Congress, and as legislators and leaders in every facet of state and local government; and
Whereas, At the turn of the 19th Century, women were laced into corsets, had a life expectancy of just 51 years and strictly curtailed legal rights, and now command space missions, work on a par in the business world with men, set policy in government leadership positions and have rightfully come to expect equal opportunity and recognition for their daughters and granddaughters; and
Whereas, There is now greater attention paid to women's health, legal rights in the workplace, and economic equality, manifested in such efforts as the Breast Health Awareness Month, which has brought much-needed awareness to the issue of women's health; and
Whereas, With the new century, we as a City, a nation and a people must take on the challenges that still remain, so that everyone can live in a world free of inequality and injustice, and so that every person can fulfill their greatest potential and become their best selves; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York recognizes the month of March, 2001 as Women's History Month and encourages all New Yorkers to observe the occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
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