Int. No. 595
By Council Members Lander, Van Bramer, Constantinides, Rose, Chin, Cohen, Eugene, Gentile, Gibson, Koo, Richards, Torres, Levine, Williams, Rosenthal, Menchaca and Ulrich
A Local Law in relation to establishing a public library commission.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. a. There is hereby established a temporary public library commission that shall study and make recommendations in relation to the city's library systems, including but not limited to the evaluation of opportunities for innovation and continued operation of such systems.
b. The mayor shall appoint five members and the speaker of the council shall appoint four members, with all such appointments occurring not more than ninety days following the enactment of this local law. The members of such commission shall serve without compensation.
c. The commission shall meet at least quarterly and no later than April 1, 2016, the commission shall post on the city's website and submit to the speaker of the council and the mayor a report concerning the city's public library systems. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations for the city's public library systems in relation to: governance and oversight; capital planning; coordination between such systems and between such systems and the city; possible increased and sustainable sources of funding; and the role of technology, including allocation of resources for technology related services and programs in relation to resources for books.
d. The commission shall terminate following the submission of the report required pursuant to subdivision c of this local law.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately after its enactment into law.
TM/KET 12/1/14 7:36PM
LS 1013/2014