Res. No. 131
Resolution in support of House Congressional Resolution 323, sponsored by Congressman Charles Rangel, which would urge President George W. Bush to immediately request the resignation of United States Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.
By Council Members Barron, Clarke, Comrie, Foster, Jackson, Lopez, Martinez and Seabrook
Whereas, The United States of America is currently engaged in Operation Iraqi Freedom, an operation, according to President George W. Bush, intended to disarm Iraq, free its people, defend the world from grave danger and remove Saddam Hussein and his sons from power; and
Whereas, As the United States Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld is the chief architect of Operation Iraqi Freedom and should, therefore, be held accountable for the strategies and outcome of such ongoing military operation; and
Whereas, Since Operation Iraqi Freedom began in March 2003, an estimated 535 members of the United States Armed Forces have been killed, approximately 395 of whom have died since May 1, 2003 when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq; and
Whereas, The members of the United States Armed Forces currently occupying Iraq continue to be the targets of guerilla-style methods of warfare, attacks that have recently escalated and become more organized and brazen; and
Whereas, On November 6, 2003, President Bush signed an $87.5 billion military spending bill that appropriated $51 billion to fund the continuing military operations in Iraq, an allocation that brings the total amount of funds designated for the war in Iraq to approximately $113.4 billion; and
Whereas, The rising number of American casualties, coupled with the escalating costs associated with the ongoing military operations, has raised concerns among members of the United States Congress and the general public regarding the way Operation Iraqi Freedom is being conducted; and
Whereas, These concerns have led United States Congressman Charles B. Rangel and twenty-seven of his colleagues, including Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, Congressman Jerrold L. Nadler and Congressman Major Owens, to sponsor House Congressional Resolution 323, which urges President Bush to immediately request the resignation of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld; and
Whereas, According to House Congressional Resolution 323, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld has subjected members of the United States Forces to unacceptable levels of danger, resulting in higher American casualties and injuries and compromising the success of Operation Iraqi Freedom; and
Whereas, House Congressional Resolution 323 also contends that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld has misled the American people in his assessments of the military operations in Iraq, including the progress of such operations, and that he has demonstrated a lack of sensitivity in his public statements regarding the war and the number of American casualties; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York supports House Congressional Resolution 323, sponsored by Congressman Charles Rangel, which would urge President George W. Bush to immediately request the resignation of United States Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.