Int. No. 474
By Council Members Williams, Won, Restler, Salaam, Bottcher, Riley, Brewer and Farías (by request of the Brooklyn Borough President)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing dynamic parking zones
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subdivision f of section 19-167 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 171 for the year 2021, is amended to read as follows:
f. Notification of changes involving parking meters. 1. New parking meter installation. Prior to the installation of new parking meters covering at least four contiguous blockfaces, the department shall forward notice of such installation to the affected council member(s) and community board(s) by electronic mail.
(a) Within 10 business days after receipt of such notice: (i) the affected council member(s) may submit recommendations, comments or both regarding such notice to the department; and (ii) the affected community board(s) may submit recommendations or comments regarding such notice, or request a presentation regarding such installation, which where practicable shall be made to such community board(s) within 30 days of such request.
(b) Any recommendations or comments received by the department pursuant to this subdivision shall be reviewed prior to the installation of such new parking meters.
2. Existing parking meter alterations. Prior to making changes to parking meter rates or replacing a parking meter with a different type of parking meter, the department shall provide at least 30 days written notice of such changes by regular first-class mail and electronic mail to the community board and council member in whose district the affected parking meters are or will be located and shall post such written notice on the department’s website, provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a dynamic parking zone implemented by the department pursuant to section 19-167.1. Such notice shall at a minimum provide the following information:
(a) Parking rates. The notice shall include the proposed new rate, the location(s) of the meters affected by such rate change and the earliest date such new rate will go into effect.
(b) Change in meter type. The notice shall include the location(s) where meters will be converted and the earliest date on which such converted meters will go into operation.
§ 2. Subchapter 2 of chapter 1 of title 19 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 19-167.1 to read as follows:
§ 19-167.1 Dynamic parking program. a. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Dynamic parking rate. The term “dynamic parking rate” means the real-time adjustment of on-street parking pricing dependent on demand and supply.
Dynamic parking zone. The term “dynamic parking zone” means an area of contiguous blocks designated by the department for inclusion in the dynamic parking program.
b. Program. The department shall establish a dynamic parking program including determining by rule when and how dynamic parking rates shall be applied in dynamic parking zones pursuant to subdivisions c and d of this section, and provided that real-time adjustments to a dynamic parking rate may be made no more than once an hour.
c. Dynamic parking zones. The department shall designate at least one dynamic parking zone in each borough where a dynamic parking rate will apply. The locations and boundaries of the dynamic parking zones shall be determined by the department based on factors including but not limited to existing traffic congestion, rates of illegal parking citations issued, and the amount of commercial activity in such area.
d. Dynamic parking rates. Within each dynamic parking zone, the department shall establish a dynamic parking rate fee structure with a minimum and maximum hourly fee. The department may change the minimum and maximum hourly fees for a dynamic parking zone only after providing at least seven days written notice to the community board(s) and council member(s) in whose district(s) the zone will be located and posting such written notice on the department’s website.
e. Notice. Upon the establishment of a dynamic parking zone pursuant to subdivision c of this section, the department shall provide at least 30 days’ written notice of the proposed zone by regular first-class mail and electronic mail to the community board(s) and council member(s) in whose district(s) the zone will be located and shall post such written notice on the department’s website. Such notice shall at a minimum provide a description of the boundaries of the proposed dynamic parking zone, the proposed new dynamic parking rates, and the earliest date such new rates will go into effect.
f. Exceptions. This section shall not apply to a vehicle bearing a permit issued pursuant to paragraph 15 of subdivision a of section 2903 of the charter or section 1203-h of the vehicle and traffic law.
g. Reporting. Not later than July 1, 2024, and by July 1 biannually thereafter, the commissioner shall post publicly on the department’s website and submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council a report on the dynamic parking program established by this section, including but not limited to:
1. A description of each dynamic parking zone including the dynamic parking rates in such zone;
2. Whether the amount of available parking in each zone increased during the dynamic parking program;
3. The rate of citations issued for parking violations in each zone and the rate of such citations issued prior to the dynamic parking program;
4. Any other localized benefits such as vehicle emissions reductions experienced during the dynamic parking program;
5. Any technological or logistical constraints impacting the dynamic parking program in each dynamic parking zone and any action that may be taken to lessen such constraints; and
6. Whether additional zones should be added.
§ 3. This local law takes effect 1 year after it becomes law.
Session 13
LS #6857
Session 12
LS #6857
9/22/22 9:24 AM