Res. No. 703
Resolution calling upon the New York State Education Department to amend its curriculum requirements to include culturally diverse arts enrichment instruction in underperforming and low-performing schools and to conduct a two-year feasibility study on incorporating multicultural arts enrichment instruction into the core curriculum.
By Council Members Dickens, Brewer, Cabrera, Comrie, Dromm, Ferreras, Fidler, James, Lander, Mark-Viverito, Mendez, Palma, Van Bramer, Vann, Williams, Eugene and Jackson
Whereas, Numerous studies show that there is a significant achievement gap among students of color, and that they are disproportionately represented in the nation's dropout statistics, including those of New York City; and
Whereas, A substantial body of research demonstrates that a comprehensive arts education helps students learn more effectively in other subject areas, including math, science, reading, and writing; and
Whereas, Research also shows that students who are highly involved in arts programs are much less likely to drop out of school and are more likely to achieve higher levels of academic success in college; and
Whereas, Recognizing the importance of arts education, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) currently mandates arts education requirements to foster more arts instruction in schools throughout the State and City; and
Whereas, Given the disparity among students of color in academic achievement, it is necessary for the NYSED to amend its curriculum requirements in underperforming and low-performing schools through mandated African-American, Latino, Asian and other culturally diverse arts enrichment instruction inclusive of the existing curriculum requirements; and
Whereas, Furthermore, the proposed mandate would also require a two-year feasibility study to assess the need for including multicultural arts enrichment instruction into the New York State core curriculum; and
Whereas, In order to improve the academic success rates of students of color, culturally enriched arts instruction would help to further boost such positive outcomes; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Education Department to amend its curriculum requirements to include culturally diverse arts enrichment instruction in underperforming and low-performing schools and to conduct a two-year feasibility study on incorporating multicultural arts enrichment instruction into the core curriculum.
LS# 1635
6:30 p.m.