File #: Res 0695-2024    Version: * Name: Resolution calling on the MTA to make permanent the Access-A-Ride On-Demand E-Hail Pilot Program.
Type: Resolution Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
On agenda: 12/19/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution calling on the MTA to make permanent the Access-A-Ride On-Demand E-Hail Pilot Program.
Sponsors: Julie Menin, Nantasha M. Williams, Kevin C. Riley, Tiffany Cabán, Justin L. Brannan, Shahana K. Hanif
Council Member Sponsors: 6
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 695, 2. December 19, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 3. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 12-19-24

Res. No. 695


Resolution calling on the MTA to make permanent the Access-A-Ride On-Demand E-Hail Pilot Program.


By Council Members Menin, Williams, Riley, Cabán, Brannan and Hanif


Whereas, The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) created the Access-A-Ride (AAR) On-Demand E-Hail Pilot Program (“Program”) in 2017 to provide people with disabilities and seniors living in New York City (NYC) who use AAR with an on-demand paratransit travel option; and

Whereas, Traditional AAR booking requires users to request a trip 1 to 2 days in advance of the day they plan to travel, based on the time of day, but the Program allows for on-demand booking with participating service providers such as Arro, CTG, Lyft, Uber, and the Drivers Cooperative, which allows for trips to be planned more efficiently and flexibly; and

Whereas, Phase 1 of the Program, which was implemented in November 2017 and ended in August 2023, provided 1,200 randomly selected AAR riders the opportunity to have an e-hail service similar to that provided by for-hire vehicles at the cost of a bus or subway trip; and

Whereas, In August 2023, the MTA rolled out Phase 2 of the Program, which looked to add 2,400 AAR customers to the existing 1,200 to access the on-demand service for a $4 co-pay, with customers being responsible for any additional cost that exceeded the MTA subsidy; and

Whereas, Phase 2 of the Program, which ultimately had 1,600 registered customers as the MTA reported that many customers chose not to register for the Program due to satisfaction with existing AAR service, provided customers with two options, including the Distance Option, which allowed for a greater per trip subsidy (25 trips per month with an MTA subsidy of up to $40 per trip), and the High-Volume Option, which allowed for a greater number of subsidized trips per month (40 trips per month with an MTA subsidy of up to $25 per trip); and

Whereas, Phase 3 of the Program, which began in July 2024 and is scheduled to run through at least the end of 2024, provides the 1,600 customers who participated in Phase 2 with up to 25 or 40 subsidized on-demand trips per calendar month based on each customer’s previous usage, with a co-pay of $4 per trip and an increase in the MTA subsidy of up to $60 per trip; and 

Whereas, The Program’s expansion has come in the context of historically high demand for, and strong performance by, traditional AAR service, according to the MTA; and

Whereas, In 2023, the MTA reported that AAR showed increased ridership, improved customer satisfaction, improved on-time performance, and fewer no-shows on both primary and broker trips; and

Whereas, The most recent complete ridership data published by the MTA showed that, from September 2023 to September 2024, total AAR e-hail trips increased from 7,386 to 22,372 per month; and

Whereas, This increase in usage shows that the Program is well-used, and suggests that the e-hail option is giving flexibility to New Yorkers who may not be able to access the City in other ways due to disabilities or age; and

Whereas, The MTA should make the Program permanent, continue to expand the number of participants it serves, and improve its performance times and services, as this will help vulnerable New Yorkers who have difficulty accessing the City by complementing existing public transit and paratransit options; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the MTA to make permanent the Access-A-Ride On-Demand E-Hail Pilot Program.


LS 18337
