Res. No. 152
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to provide all "line of duty" benefits to the domestic partners of New York City police officers.
By Council Members Fidler, Brewer, Comrie, Dromm, Gonzalez, James, Koslowitz, Lander, Mark-Viverito, Palma, Reyna, Rodriguez, Van Bramer, Williams and Nelson
Whereas, New York City police officers risk their lives each day to protect the residents of this City; and
Whereas, Recognizing the danger inherent in police work, New York State provides "line of duty" benefits to the spouses of police officers who make the ultimate sacrifice; and
Whereas, However, certain "line of duty" benefits available under state law are only available to the spouse or children of New York City police officers and not to domestic partners; and
Whereas, Under state law, the "line of duty" pension, the special accident death benefit, and the Increased Take Home Pay contribution are payable only to the spouse or children of the deceased police officer, and not to the domestic partner of the police officer; and
Whereas, New York City, on the other hand, recognizing that police officers who have domestic partners should not be discriminated against in the provision of "line of duty" benefits, ensures that domestic partners are entitled to an award if a police officer dies in the line of duty; and
Whereas, In fact, it is the City's policy that all benefits available to the spouses of City employees must also be available to domestic partners of City employees; and
Whereas, Unfortunately, the State does not have the same non-discriminatory policy, and therefore certain "line of duty" benefits would not be available to the domestic partner of a New York City police officer who is killed in the line of duty; and
Whereas, The time has long passed for a change to this state policy, and it is vital that the contributions of all police officers be recognized, regardless of sexual orientation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Legislature to provide all "line of duty" benefits to the domestic partners of New York City police officers.
LS # 875