Int. No. 174
By Council Members Vacca, Lappin, Rose, Gonzalez, Barron, Brewer, Chin, Dromm, Fidler, Gentile, James, Koppell, Koslowitz, Nelson, Recchia, Rodriguez, Van Bramer, Vann, Williams, Mealy, Mendez, Crowley, Levin, Mark-Viverito, Jackson, Halloran, Koo and Ulrich
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to providing public notice for senior center closings.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 2 of title 21 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 21-204 to read as follows:
§21-204 Requirements for senior center closings. a. Whenever any senior center funded in part or in whole by the department is scheduled to be closed, relocated or consolidated with another senior center, the department shall provide written notice with supporting documentation at least sixty days prior to the scheduled closing, relocation or consolidation date to the council members, community boards and borough presidents whose districts are served by such center and the chairpersons of the council's committee on aging and subcommittee on senior centers.
b. The prior notice requirements of subdivision a of this section shall not apply when the department determines that it must close a senior center due to exigent circumstances, including where the conditions at such senior center pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of its participants and members. Where the department has closed a senior center due to exigent circumstances, the department shall provide written notice and supporting documentation within three days of such closure to the council members, community boards and borough presidents whose districts are served by the closed center and the chairpersons of the council's committee on aging and subcommittee on senior centers.
§2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
Int. No 821-A/2008
LS# 646