Int. No. 3
By Council Members Abreu, Lee, Williams, Nurse, Brooks-Powers, Restler, Stevens, Gennaro, Gutiérrez, Hudson, Bottcher, Ung, Zhuang, Louis, Brewer, Avilés, Schulman, Salamanca and Vernikov
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to removal of abandoned or derelict vehicles
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Section 16-128 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:
§ 16-128 Removal of [incumbrances] encumbrances from streets. a. 1. The commissioner shall remove, or cause to be removed any [vehicle,] box, barrel, bale of merchandise or other movable property or article or thing whatsoever found upon any street, in accordance with regulations adopted by the [board of estimate] commissioner.
2. The commissioner shall remove, cause to be removed, or refer for removal any abandoned vehicle described in subdivision 1 of section 1224 of the vehicle and traffic law within 72 hours after the department becomes aware of such vehicle. The commissioner shall remove any abandoned vehicle described in subdivision 2 of section 1224 of the vehicle and traffic law within 72 hours after the department becomes aware of such vehicle.
b. The [board of estimate shall set forth, in such regulations, the procedures to be followed by the commissioner] commissioner shall set forth regulations relating to:
1. [the] The leasing of yards for storage of property removed under the authority of this section;
2. [notification] Notification to the owner of the property removed, if such owner is ascertainable, that the property is being held by the commissioner;
3. [redemption] Redemption, by the owner, of the property removed;
4. [reimbursement] Reimbursement, by the owner, of the expenses of removal incurred by the commissioner;
5. [the] The sale, by the commissioner, of the property held by [him or her] the commissioner;
6. [the] The keeping of records and accounts, the transmission of such records to the comptroller, and the transmission of funds collected to the commissioner of finance; and
7. [such] Such other regulations as the [board of estimate] commissioner may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
[c. Such regulations shall not become effective until adopted by the board of estimate and filed, by the secretary of such board, with the city clerk, pursuant to section eleven hundred five of the charter.]
§ 2. This local law takes effect 120 days after it becomes law.
Session 13
LS #8377
Session 12
LS #8377
3/30/23 4:24 PM