File #: Int 0852-2022    Version: * Name: Information on affordable internet programs and community-based internet services.
Type: Introduction Status: Filed (End of Session)
Committee: Committee on Technology
On agenda: 12/7/2022
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to information on affordable internet programs and community-based internet services
Sponsors: Julie Won, Farah N. Louis, Kalman Yeger , Kristin Richardson Jordan, Lynn C. Schulman, Linda Lee, Sandra Ung, Lincoln Restler, Shaun Abreu, Gale A. Brewer
Council Member Sponsors: 10
Summary: This bill would require the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) to provide information on discounted internet services and community-based internet services to community-based organizations (CBO). DOITT would be required to create written materials containing information on such internet services, including eligibility and how to apply for such internet services, and to provide such materials electronically and in hard copy to CBOs. DOITT would also be required to post such information on its website.
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 852, 2. Int. No. 852, 3. December 7, 2022 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 12-7-22, 5. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - December 7, 2022

Int. No. 852


By Council Members Won, Louis, Yeger, Richardson Jordan, Schulman, Lee, Ung, Restler, Abreu and Brewer


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to information on affordable internet programs and community-based internet services


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Title 23 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new chapter 13 to read as follows:



§ 23-1301 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:

Affordable internet program. The term “affordable internet program” means a program that provides discounts to households to help pay for broadband internet service or internet connected devices.

Community-based internet service. The term “community-based internet services” means a service that provides internet service through infrastructure built, used and managed by local communities.

Department. The term “department” means the department of information technology and telecommunications.

§ 23-1302 Information on affordable internet programs. a. Written materials. No later than February 1, 2023, the department shall coordinate with community-based organizations to provide materials with information on affordable internet programs and community-based internet services to communities in the city. Such materials shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information:

1. Descriptions of affordable internet programs and community-based internet services available to households in the city;

2. Eligibility criteria for such affordable internet programs and community-based internet services; and

3. Instructions on how to apply for such affordable internet programs and community-based internet services.

b. Distribution. No later than February 1, 2023, and annually thereafter, the department shall provide the materials required by subdivision a of this section electronically and in hard copy to community-based organizations for distribution to individuals served by such organizations. The department shall provide updated materials electronically and in hard copy to such community-based organizations if any substantial changes are made to affordable internet programs and community-based internet services available to households in the city.

c. Website. No later than February 1, 2023, the department shall post on its website the information about affordable internet programs and community-based internet services required by subdivision a of this section, including links to websites that allow individuals to apply for each affordable internet program and community-based internet service.

§ 2. This local law takes effect 30 days after it becomes law.







LS #6841

9/14/2022 10:00am