Int. No. 819
By Council Members Brewer, Hanif, Joseph, Powers, Abreu and Won
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the posting of lithium-ion battery safety guides in places of business and online retail platforms that sell powered mobility devices
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 4 of title 20 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new subchapter 15 to read as follows:
§ 20-699.21 Definitions. For the purposes of this subchapter, the term “powered mobility devices” means motorized bicycles, motorized scooters, and other personal mobility devices powered by a lithium-ion or other storage battery. The term does not include motor vehicles or motorcycles or other mobility devices that must be registered with the New York state department of motor vehicles.
§ 20-699.22 Fire safety; posting of information. a. The commissioner shall require the posting of lithium-ion battery safety informational materials and guides in all places of business that sell powered mobility devices.
b. Any person who sells or offers for sale a powered mobility device in a physical retail location shall conspicuously post such materials and guides near the location where such a device is offered for sale.
c. Any person who sells or offers for sale a powered mobility device on an online retail platform shall conspicuously post a hyperlink to such materials and guides from each webpage where such a device is offered for sale.
d. The violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by a civil penalty of $150 for a first violation, $250 for a second violation, and $350 for a third or subsequent violation. Each day in which a violation continues constitutes a separate violation.
§ 2. This local law takes effect 180 days after it becomes law.
LS #10340