Res. No. 429
Resolution calling upon the State Legislature to amend Section 242 of the Military Law to extend the period of paid annual leave for New York City employees who return from military service.
By Council Members Gentile, Comrie, Fidler, Gennaro, Gonzalez, James, Nelson, Seabrook, Vann, White Jr. and Mark-Viverito
Whereas, New York City employees who are serving in the United States armed forces and the national guard are engaged in hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan and in assignments around the globe; and
Whereas, Section 242 of the State Military Law addresses the issue of the rights of public officers and employees absent on military duty; and
Whereas, State Military law governs State as well as municipal employees; and
Whereas, According to Section 242 of the State Military Law, public employees ordered for military duty are only entitled to receive their salary or other compensation for a time period not to exceed a total of 30 days or 22 working days, whichever is greater, in any than one calendar year or continuous period of such absence; and
Whereas, The call of military duty causes severe financial and emotional hardships for the families of members of the armed services deployed for duty; and
Whereas, Once a member of the armed forces is ordered to active military duty, the member may not see his or her family a long period of time during his or her call to duty; and
Whereas, Employees of the City of New York have died in the line of duty while serving their country overseas; and
Whereas, Employees of the City of New York are currently risking their lives while serving their country in the armed services overseas; and
Whereas, It is imperative that government take whatever steps necessary to lessen the burden imposed by war on its citizenry; and
Whereas, Five additional days of paid annual leave would ease the transition of returning from military duty back into civilian life; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the State Legislature to amend Section 242 of the Military Law to extend the period of paid annual leave for New York City employees who return from military service.
LS# 924