Res. No. 656
Resolution recognizing April 25, 2005 to April 29, 2005 as National Playground Safety Week.
By Council Members Foster, Addabbo, Avella, Baez, Boyland, Clarke, Dilan, Fidler, Jackson, James, Quinn, Recchia, Vann and Weprin
Whereas, The safety and well-being of children is a priority in New York City and ensuring this is a concern for not just parents, but all New Yorkers; and
Whereas, The fall and spring seasons bring an increase in children’s outdoor activities, including the use of playgrounds at home, at school and in parks; and
Whereas, According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, a majority of playground-related injuries occur from April through June, with more than 200,000 children injured annually in the United States; and
Whereas, Officials at schools, parks and other public facilities that have playgrounds should prepare playgrounds by taking steps to ensure the proper function and integrity of playground equipment and the maintenance and security of areas surrounding playgrounds; and
Whereas, The National Program for Playground Safety at the University of Northern Iowa works to raise public awareness of the associated risks and types of injuries sustained at playgrounds as well as possible ways to reduce the number of injuries; and
Whereas, The National Program for Playground Safety has identified key areas of focus that can help substantially reduce the number of playground injuries and keep children “SAFE” by providing proper Supervision, Age appropriate equipment, materials to soften Falls to the surface and Equipment maintenance; and
Whereas, The Council, and all New Yorkers, care about our children and support efforts to ensure that no child shall play on an unsafe playground; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Council of the City of New York recognizes April 25, 2005 to April 29, 2005 as National Playground Safety Week.
THC - 10/21/04