Res. No. 993
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to pass A. 6198 and S. 2677, which would amend Real Property Tax Law (RPTL) Section 467-b to decrease the required proportion of income to be paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth for residents of rent-controlled and rent-stabilized units to qualify for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, and to enact legislation which would amend RPTL Section 467-c to decrease the required proportion of income to be paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth for residents of Mitchell-Lama units to qualify for the SCRIE program.
By Council Members Nelson, Addabbo, Baez, Comrie, Fidler, Gerson, Gioia, Katz, Reyna, Seabrook, Serrano, Weprin, Gennaro, Quinn, Gonzalez, Brewer, Felder, Jennings, Vann and The Public Advocate (Ms.Gotbaum)
Whereas, The Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program provides orders preventing future rent increases to eligible senior citizen heads of household residing in rent-controlled, rent-stabilized and Mitchell-Lama apartments, and provides corresponding tax abatements to landlords; and
Whereas, To be eligible for SCRIE, a senior must be at least 62 years of age, have an annual household income not exceeding $20,000, and must be paying at least one-third of his or her income toward rent; and
Whereas, Affordable housing has become increasingly difficult for seniors who are on fixed incomes; and
Whereas, Many senior citizens in New York City have limited incomes and are subject to high rents and regular rent increases, yet do not meet the "one-third" requirement for SCRIE; and
Whereas, The SCRIE program exists pursuant to New York State enabling legislation codified in Sections 467-b and 467-c of the Real Property Tax Law (RPTL); and
Whereas, RPTL Section 467-b governs SCRIE for tenants in rent-controlled and rent-stabilized units, and RPTL Section 467-c governs SCRIE for tenants in Mitchell-Lama units; and
Whereas, Assembly Bill A. 6198 and State Senate Bill S. 2677 would amend RPTL Section 467-b to reduce the amount of income required to be paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth for residents of rent-controlled and rent-stabilized units to qualify for SCRIE; and
Whereas, Enactment of this legislation would assist many more of the City's low-income senior citizens in continuing to afford their housing accommodations, as well as other necessary living costs; and
Whereas, The rationale that rent should not consume a disproportionate amount of seniors' incomes is equally applicable to residents of Mitchell-Lama apartments; and
Whereas, Consequently, senior residents of Mitchell-Lama units should also be afforded relief by the drafting and enactment of legislation amending RPTL Section 467-c to decrease the required portion of income paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth to qualify for SCRIE; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to pass A. 6198 and S. 2677, which would amend Real Property Tax Law (RPTL) Section 467-b to decrease the required proportion of income to be paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth for residents of rent-controlled and rent-stabilized units to qualify for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, and to enact legislation which would amend Section RPTL 467-c to decrease the required proportion of income to be paid toward rent from one-third to one-fourth for residents of Mitchell-Lama units to qualify for the SCRIE program.
LS#2968, 2975