Resolution urging the State Legislature to require all public schools to post a sign at the entrance of each school building encouraging all parents and legal guardians to contact the State Education Department or the New York City Board of Education in order to request a copy of the New York State Board of Regents Policy Statement: Parent Partnerships: Linking Families, Communities and Schools.
Res. No. 389
Resolution urging the State Legislature to require all public schools to post a sign at the entrance of each school building encouraging all parents and legal guardians to contact the State Education Department or the New York City Board of Education in order to request a copy of the New York State Board of Regents Policy Statement: Parent Partnerships: Linking Families, Communities and Schools.
By Council Members Seabrook, Baez, Barron, Clarke, Comrie, Jackson, Koppell, Lopez, Stewart and Vann
Whereas, The New York State Board of Regents Policy Statement: Parent Partnerships: Linking Families, Communities and Schools represents a partnership consisting of many voices and points of view committed to enhancing parental involvement in schools; and
Whereas, The New York State Board of Regents recognizes that successful parent partnerships will depend on the involvement of the entire community, including business leaders, community service organizations, institutions of higher education, as well as religious and cultural institutions; and
Whereas, Parental involvement in schools establishes a new dynamic for learning by linking families, communities and schools in an educational partnership; and
Whereas, The New York City Council recognizes the important role parents play in the education of their children; and
Whereas, All parents have a right and a responsibility to be involved in the education of their children; and
Whereas, When parents are intricately involved in their children's education, children tend to perform better in school; and
Whereas, Parents need the support of schools if they are to meet their educational obligations to their children; and
Whereas, Conversely, schools also need the support of parents to educate children effectively; and
Whereas, The New York State Board of Regents Parent Partnerships Policy is intended to help ensure that these parent partnership principals govern the provision of educational services to all children in New York State; and
Whereas, The New York State Board of Regents seeks to strengthen parent relationships with schools in order to prepare students for life in the 21st century; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York urges the State Legislature to require all public schools to post a sign at the entrance of each school building encouraging all parents and legal guardians to contact the State Education Department or the New York City Board of Education in order to request a copy of the New York State Board of Regents Policy Statement: Parent Partnerships: Linking Families, Communities and Schools.