Int. No. 848
By Council Members Nelson, Marshall, Abel, Fiala, Golden and Stabile; also Council Members DiBrienza, Harrison, Lopez, Michels, Moskowitz, O'Donovan, Quinn, Robinson, Robles, Rodriguez, Cruz, Oddo and Ognibene
A Local Law To amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the placement of two-way radios or cellular phones on school buses.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 6 of title 19 is amended by the addition of a new subchapter 1 designation to appear immediately before section 19-601 and by amending section 19-601 to read as follows:
§ 19-601 Safety measures on school buses transporting handicapped children; declaration and findings.
§ 19-602 Seat belts.
§ 19-603 Escorts.
§ 19-604 Dual opening doors.
§ 19-605 Penalty.
§ 19-601 Safety measures on school buses transporting handicapped children; declaration and findings. The Council hereby finds that a serious emergency exists as to the safety of handicapped children transported to and from schools in school buses and other vehicles. Handicapped school children have been grievously injured, maimed and killed due to lack of seat belts and guards or escorts on school buses. The Council finds that in order to prevent further tragedies to our handicapped school children the provisions of this section are declared necessary and are designed to protect[,] the safety, health and general welfare of our school children.
§2. Chapter 6 of title 19 is amended by the addition of a new subchapter 2, to immediately follow subchapter 1, to read as follows:
§ 19-701 Two-way radios or cellular phones.
§ 19-701 Two-way radios or cellular phones. a. All buses or other motor vehicles engaged in the business of transporting children to and from schools in the city shall be equipped with two-way radios or cellular phones.
b. Any person who is found operating a bus engaged in the business of transporting children to and from schools in the City that is not equipped with a two-way radio or cellular phone shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less than one thousand dollars. A proceeding to impose such civil penalty shall be commenced by the service of a notice of violation returnable before the commission or an administrative tribunal of the commission. Such civil penalties shall be imposed after a hearing in accordance with the rules of the commission.
§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately.