Res. No. 1420
Resolution calling on the City to recognize May as Military Appreciation Month in New York City
By Council Members Ulrich, Vallone, Koslowitz, Chin, Espinal, Grodenchik, Lancman, Gentile and Maisel
Whereas, For centuries, the armed forces have played a central role in American life, defending American values and interests from Bunker Hill to Baghdad; and
Whereas, The men and women who serve in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, and the Coast Guard come from all 50 states and embody the socioeconomic, racial, and religious diversity of our nation; and
Whereas, Although it would be impossible to fully repay the debt we owe them for their service, civic institutions should make every effort to commemorate the service of veterans; and
Whereas, There are several opportunities in May to honor those who serve; and
Whereas, These include Loyalty Day, Victory in Europe Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day; and
Whereas, In 1999, both houses of Congress, led by Senator John McCain, a former Navy aviator, designated May as National Military Appreciation Month; and
Whereas, New York City is home to roughly 200,000 veterans, and it is the first city in the nation to establish a Department of Veterans Services; and
Whereas, As a national leader on veterans’ issues, New York should recognize May as Military Appreciation Month in the five boroughs; and
Whereas, This recognition would reaffirm New York’s commitment to its veterans and create opportunities for civic engagement; and
Whereas, It could also complement Fleet Week, which, according to the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), brings approximately $20 million in revenue to the City each year; and
Whereas, In light of the significant contributions that veterans have made to American life, and New York City’s extensive engagement with military issues, establishing this commemorative month is an important step toward becoming the most veteran-friendly city in the country; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York should pass a resolution recognizing May as Military Appreciation Month in New York City