Int. No. 1401
By Council Member Van Bramer
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to members of the art commission.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subdivision a of Section 851 of the New York city charter is amended to read as follows:
a. There shall be an art commission the members of which shall be the mayor, who may appoint a person to represent him and replace such representative at his pleasure, the speaker of the city council or the speaker’s representative, the president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the president of the New York Public Library (Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations), the president of the Brooklyn Museum, one painter, one sculptor, one architect, and one landscape architect, all of whom shall be residents of the city, and three other residents of the city no one of whom shall be a painter, sculptor, architect, landscape architect or active member of any other profession in the fine arts.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect 90 days following its ratification by the voters of New York city in a referendum to be held in the general election next following its enactment.
LS# 9057