Res. No. 1028
Resolution calling on the State Legislature to introduce and pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation amending Article 7-B of the Multiple Dwelling Law to expand the definition of an “artist” for the purpose of qualifying for certain joint living-work quarters.
By Council Members Chin, Van Bramer, Rose, Cohen and Williams
Whereas, During the early 1960s, as manufacturers were abandoning industrial and commercial spaces in neighborhoods such as SoHo and NoHo, artists began moving into spaces in which they could both live and work; and
Whereas, Recognizing that artists are an enhancement to urban life, New York State and New York City adopted various amendments, beginning in 1964, to the State Multiple Dwelling Law and the City Zoning Resolution in an effort to permit the residential occupancy of certain loft spaces by artists; and
Whereas, Today, the neighborhoods of SoHo and NoHo are among the most well-known examples of artist-transformed urban spaces; and
Whereas, New York State Law and the New York City Zoning Resolution permits individuals to reside in certain loft spaces zoned for manufacturing, provided that they are certified as an artist by the City Department of Cultural Affairs; and
Whereas, Artist certification provides documentation that equates the person named therein with a light manufacturer; and
Whereas, Artist certification exists to protect the artist community and preserve affordable live-work spaces for artists; and
Whereas, A person with a demonstrated need for live/work space and who is regularly engaged in the fine arts, such as painting and sculpture, or in the performing or creative arts, including choreography and filmmaking, or in the composition of music, on a professional basis is potentially eligible for certification as an artist; and
Whereas, However, the definition of an “artist” under New York State Law has not been updated since 1968 and does not include newer professions in the arts; and
Whereas, Expanding the definition of an “artist” by increasing the categories of artist who can apply for certification to include the interpretive arts, such as musicians, actors, and dancers as well as new media, architecture, and design would allow more persons to be eligible for joint living-work quarters and would strengthen the City’s arts sector; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the State Legislature to introduce and pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation amending Article 7-B of the Multiple Dwelling Law to expand the definition of an “artist” for the purpose of qualifying for joint living-work quarters.
LS #6320