Int. No. 971
By Council Members Chin, Van Bramer, Lander, Espinal, Johnson and Williams
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the availability of joint living-work quarters for artists
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Title 26 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new chapter 12 to read as follows:
§ 26-1201 Definitions.
§ 26-1202 List of joint-living work quarters for artists.
§ 26-1203 Vacancy notification.
§ 26-1204 Violations and penalties.
§ 26-1201 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter:
Artist’s certification. The term “artist’s certification” means a certification issued by the department, pursuant to departmental rules, to evidence that the person named therein is eligible to live in joint living-work quarters for artists.
Department. The term “department” means the department of cultural affairs or a successor agency thereto.
Joint living-work quarters for artists. The term “joint living-work quarters for artists” means joint living-work quarters for artists, as such term is defined section 12-10 of the New York city zoning resolution.
§ 26-1202 List of joint living-work quarters for artists. a. The department, in consultation with the department of buildings and the loft board, shall create a publicly accessible list of joint living-work quarters for artists.
b. Where the department receives notice pursuant to section 26-1203 of this chapter that a space used for joint living-work quarters for artists has or is about to become vacant, the department shall send notice of such vacancy to every individual with an active artist’s certification.
§ 26-1203 Vacancy notifications. The owners of any joint living-work quarters for artists shall notify the department at least three days before (1) advertising for a new tenant for such space or (2) offering a lease for such space to a new tenant, whichever is earlier.
§ 26-1204 Violations and penalties. Any owner who violates the provisions of section 26-1203 of this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty of $1,000, which may be recovered in a proceeding before the environmental control board.
§ 2. This local law takes effect 120 after it becomes law, except that the commissioner of cultural affairs may take such actions as are necessary for its implementation, including the promulgation of rules, prior to such effective date.
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