Res. No. 354
Resolution calling upon the United States Senate to pass and President to sign companion legislation to H.R. 863, which would establish a commission to study the creation of a National Women's History Museum.
By Council Members Kallos, Cumbo, Van Bramer, Crowley, Koslowitz, Constantinides, Johnson, Koo, Mendez, Richards, Rodriguez, Cohen, Eugene and Greenfield
Whereas, According to United States census women comprise about 51% of our nation's population and yet it is estimated by some that they only comprise 10% of the figures represented in United States history textbooks; and
Whereas, Women deserve equal recognition for their immense contributions to our nation; and
Whereas, In response to this lack of inclusion of women's history, Congress Member Carolyn Maloney introduced H.R. 863, legislation which would establish a Congressional Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Women's History Museum in Washington D.C.; and
Whereas, The legislation would require the Commission to report recommendations for a plan of action for the establishment and maintenance of a National Women's History Museum in Washington, D.C.; and
Whereas, H.R. 863 would also require the Commission to develop a fundraising plan to support the establishment, operation and maintenance of the Museum through public contributions; and
Whereas, The legislation would further call on the Commission to obtain an independent review of such fundraising plan, including an analysis of the resources necessary to fund the construction of the Museum, as well as its operations and maintenance in perpetuity without reliance on federal funds and would require the submission of a legislative plan of action to establish and construct the Museum; and
Whereas, The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has reported that the Commission and the Museum would have no significant impact on federal spending; and
Whereas, H.R. 863 was passed by the House of Representatives in May 2014 with bipartisan support and was sent to the Senate for consideration; and
Whereas, A National Women's History Museum is a long overdue tribute that would recognize the accomplishments and legacy of many past American women while inspiring future generations of Americans to follow in their footsteps; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the United States Senate to pass and President to sign companion legislation to H.R. 863, which would establish a commission to study the creation of a National Women's History Museum.
LS 1919