Int. No. 32
By Council Members Brannan, Levine, Cabrera, Ampry-Samuel, Holden, Yeger, Van Bramer, Gibson, Ayala, Rosenthal, Gjonaj, Powers, Kallos, Rivera, Lander, Salamanca, Koslowitz, R. Diaz, Levin, Reynoso, Adams, Chin, Cumbo, Cornegy, Grodenchik, Louis and Borelli
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to electronic notification of capital project delays and cost changes
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Section 219 of the New York city charter is amended to read as follows:
e. Each agency shall provide additional electronic notification to the affected council member, borough president and community board(s) within thirty days of learning of any of the following with respect to any capital project under its jurisdiction: (1) any projected or actual delay of sixty days or more with respect to any phase of the project and (2) any projected or actual change of ten percent or more of the total estimated cost of the project. Such notification shall include the original and total estimated cost of the capital project, the projected or actual start and end date of each project phase, the total amount spent on the project as of the date of such notification, and a clear explanation of the reasons for any projected or actual change in cost or delay.
[e]f. Any capital project which results in the acquisition or construction of a capital asset which will be subject to the requirements of section eleven hundred ten-a shall contain a provision requiring a comprehensive manual setting forth the useful life of the asset and explaining the activities necessary to maintain the asset throughout such useful life.
[f]g. The mayor may issue directives and adopt rules and regulations in regard to the execution of capital projects, consistent with the requirements of subdivisions a, b, c [and], d and e of this section, which shall be binding upon all agencies.
ยง2. This local law takes effect immediately.
LS #2942/Int. 1534-2017