Application number C 220142 ZSM (One 45/Museum of Civil Rights) submitted by One45 Lenox, LLC, pursuant to Sections197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-533 of the Zoning Resolution to reduce the required accessory off-street parking spaces to 130 spaces (20%) for dwelling units in a development within a Transit Zone, that includes at least 20 percent of all dwelling units as income-restricted housing units, in connection with a proposed mixed-use development, within a large-scale general development, bounded by West 145th Street, Lenox Avenue – Malcolm X. Boulevard, West 144th Street, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Lenox Avenue – Malcolm X. Boulevard, a line midway between West 144th Street and West 145th Street, and a line 160 feet southeasterly of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard (Block 2013, Lots 29, 33, 38, 44 and 50), in a C4-6 District, Borough of Manhattan, Community District 10, Council District 9.