Resolution calling upon the New York State legislature to waive the fee associated with the distribution of new license plates scheduled to begin in January 2001.
Res. No. 1652
Resolution calling upon the New York State legislature to waive the fee associated with the distribution of new license plates scheduled to begin in January 2001.
By Council Members Stabile, Carrion, Clarke, Henry, Nelson, Wooten, Fiala, Golden and Oddo; also Council Members Koslowitz, Leffler, O'Donovan, Pinkett, Provenzano and Spigner
Whereas, The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has received authorization to issue new license plates with three blue letters on the left, four blue numbers on the right and the words "The Empire State" on the bottom of the plate; and,
Whereas, These new plates will replace the ones that were first issued thirteen years ago with a picture of the Statute of Liberty in the background; and
Whereas, The New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 401(3) requires that DMV charge a fee to offset the cost of new license plates and permits a surcharge; and
Whereas, Pursuant to this section of the law, DMV will charge each car owner a one-time fee of $5.50; and
Whereas, The New York Daily News on October 5, 2000 in an article entitled "New York Plates to Come in Altered States" reported that up to 10.5 million car owners will be charged this one-time fee; and
Whereas, New York State residents did not request the new plates but vehicle owners will be mandated replace their plates, and will not be offered the choice of keeping their old plates; and
Whereas, The State Legislature has required DMV to impose this fee; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State legislature to waive the fee associated with the distribution of new license plates scheduled to begin in January 2001.