Res. No. 1597
Resolution calling on the United States Congress to pass the Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act.
By Council Members Vallone Jr., Brewer, Fidler, Nelson, Sanders Jr., Gerson and Vacca
Whereas, According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), computer and video game software sales in the United States (U.S.) grew six percent in 2007 to $9.5 billion - more than tripling industry sales since 1996; and
Whereas, According to recent studies, sixty-five percent of American households play computer or video games; and
Whereas, Assigning a universal rating system to all computer and video game software helps to inform consumers and the public about the software’s content; and
Whereas, The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is a non-profit, self-regulatory body that assigns computer and video game content ratings, enforces industry-adopted advertising guidelines and helps ensure responsible online privacy practices for the interactive entertainment software industry; and
Whereas, The ESRB has established seven different rating symbols and 30 different content descriptors that classify computer and video game content, both of which can usually be found on the software’s packaging; and
Whereas, Consumers, minors, and the general public need greater awareness of the growing number of computer and video games that depict graphic and realistic sexual and/or violent content; and
Whereas, H.R. 5990, also known as the Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act, is currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives; and
Whereas, The Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act would prohibit shipment, distribution, sale, or rental of video games without exterior packaging labeled with an age-based content rating determined by the ESRB, and
Whereas, The Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act would direct the Federal Trade Commission to require all retail establishments that sell video games to display information about the ESRB content rating system; and
Whereas, The Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act would prohibit any person from selling or renting video games containing the ESRB content rating of "adults only" to any person under the age of 18 and "mature" to any person under the age of 17; and
Whereas, Violations of such requirements and prohibitions would be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 per violation; and
Whereas, The Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act would assist in reducing a minor’s exposure to violent and sexual content; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the United States Congress to pass the Video Games Ratings Enforcement Act.
LS# 5556