Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/29/2020 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: - REMOTE HEARING (VIRTUAL ROOM 1) -
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: CLICK ANY FILE # BELOW (in blue) TO ACCESS LEGISLATION AND ATTACHMENTS, Proposed Agenda, Stated Meeting Agenda with Links to Files, Announcements, Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting, Minutes of the Stated Meeting
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.ROLL CALL      Roll call Not available
    2.INVOCATION - Delivered by: Reverend Anthony Sandusky serves as a spiritual leader at Village Life located at P.O. Box 471297, Brooklyn, NY 11247. Motion to spread the Invocation in full upon the record by Council Member Levine.      Not available
    3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Motion that the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of October 5, 2020 be adopted as printed by Council Member Powers.      Not available
    4.MESSAGES & PAPERS FROM THE MAYOR - None      Not available
M 0257-2020 *  Rules, Privileges and ElectionsRodney L. Pepe-Souvenir, Office of Commissioner of Elections of the Board of Elections.Communication Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
    6.PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - None      Not available
    7.LAND USE CALL-UPS      Not available
M 0258-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  Landmarks, DSNY Queens Sanitation Garage 1, Queens (C 200238 PCQ)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    9.DISCUSSION OF GENERAL ORDERS      Not available
    10.REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES - None      Not available
    11.REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES      Not available
Int 2082-2020 AKeith Powers  Amended and Coupled on GOProhibition against discrimination in housing accommodations based on lawful source of income.IntroductionProhibitions against discrimination in housing accommodations based on lawful source of income currently do not apply to housing accommodations comprised of five or fewer units. This bill removes this exception, but maintains existing exceptions that apply to all types of discrimination in housing accommodations. This bill also clarifies the definition of “lawful source of income” to align more closely with State law and include all lawful income that low-income New Yorkers may receive, such as child support, alimony, and other types of housing assistance.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1947-2020 ACosta G. Constantinides Amended and Coupled on GORent regulated accommodations.IntroductionThis bill would amend the definition of rent regulated accommodations to include only dwellings in which 35% or more of the dwelling units are required to be rent regulated. Newly covered buildings would have a two year extension to comply with the first building emissions limits.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 2072-2020 ACosta G. Constantinides Amended and Coupled on GOGreenhouse gas emissions reduction methods and outreach and education.IntroductionThis bill would require the City to report on the City’s outreach and education efforts and methods buildings use to comply with greenhouse gas emissions limits pursuant to Local Law 97 of 2019.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1470-2020 *Daniel Dromm  Preconsidered - Coupled on GOApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense BudgetResolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1471-2020 *Daniel Dromm  Preconsidered - Coupled on GOIncrease in the amount to be expended annually for two business improvement districts.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1339-2019 ADiana I. Ayala Amended and Coupled on GOProviding information about lawful source of income discrimination to applicants for the city fighting homelessness and eviction prevention supplement program.IntroductionThis bill would require the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) to arrange for the provision of a written notice to CityFHEPS rental assistance program applicants with administration about source of income discrimination at the time an applicant receives a shopping letter from DSS. The notice would provide information about protections under the New York City Human Rights Law related to discrimination on the basis of a person’s lawful source of income.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 2080-2020 AStephen T. Levin Amended and Coupled on GOOnline access to rental assistance program application status.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Social Services (DSS) to provide more information about its rental assistance program, CityFHEPS, online. Specifically, DSS would be required make the status of an application or renewal request available to applicants online. DSS would be required to execute a contract to make online access available by June 30, 2021.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 0253-2020 *   Kenseth Armstead, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Mayor's Message Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1477-2020 *Karen Koslowitz Coupled on GOM 253 - Kenseth Armstead, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 0254-2020 *   Deborah Marton, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Mayor's Message Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1478-2020 *Karen Koslowitz Coupled on GOM 254 - Deborah Marton, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    12.GENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
    ~coupledCIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS      Not available
Int 2082-2020 AKeith Powers ~coupledA and GOProhibition against discrimination in housing accommodations based on lawful source of income.IntroductionProhibitions against discrimination in housing accommodations based on lawful source of income currently do not apply to housing accommodations comprised of five or fewer units. This bill removes this exception, but maintains existing exceptions that apply to all types of discrimination in housing accommodations. This bill also clarifies the definition of “lawful source of income” to align more closely with State law and include all lawful income that low-income New Yorkers may receive, such as child support, alimony, and other types of housing assistance.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION      Not available
Int 1947-2020 ACosta G. Constantinides~coupledA and GORent regulated accommodations.IntroductionThis bill would amend the definition of rent regulated accommodations to include only dwellings in which 35% or more of the dwelling units are required to be rent regulated. Newly covered buildings would have a two year extension to comply with the first building emissions limits.   Action details Not available
Int 2072-2020 ACosta G. Constantinides~coupledA and GOGreenhouse gas emissions reduction methods and outreach and education.IntroductionThis bill would require the City to report on the City’s outreach and education efforts and methods buildings use to comply with greenhouse gas emissions limits pursuant to Local Law 97 of 2019.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledFINANCE      Not available
Res 1470-2020 *Daniel Dromm ~coupledPreconsidered – GOApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense BudgetResolution    Action details Not available
Res 1471-2020 *Daniel Dromm ~coupledPreconsidered - GOIncrease in the amount to be expended annually for two business improvement districts.Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupledGENERAL WELFARE      Not available
Int 1339-2019 ADiana I. Ayala~coupledA and GOProviding information about lawful source of income discrimination to applicants for the city fighting homelessness and eviction prevention supplement program.IntroductionThis bill would require the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) to arrange for the provision of a written notice to CityFHEPS rental assistance program applicants with administration about source of income discrimination at the time an applicant receives a shopping letter from DSS. The notice would provide information about protections under the New York City Human Rights Law related to discrimination on the basis of a person’s lawful source of income.   Action details Not available
Int 2080-2020 AStephen T. Levin~coupledA and GOOnline access to rental assistance program application status.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Social Services (DSS) to provide more information about its rental assistance program, CityFHEPS, online. Specifically, DSS would be required make the status of an application or renewal request available to applicants online. DSS would be required to execute a contract to make online access available by June 30, 2021.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledRULES, PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS      Not available
Res 1477-2020 *Karen Koslowitz~coupledGOM 253 - Kenseth Armstead, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1478-2020 *Karen Koslowitz~coupledGOM 254 - Deborah Marton, appointment as a member of the NYC Art Commission, known as the Public Design Commission.Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupledGENERAL ORDER CALENDAR      Not available
    14.DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTIONS      Not available
    15.RESOLUTIONS – None      Not available
    16.GENERAL DISCUSSION      Not available
    17.EXTENSION OF REMARKS      Not available
Int 2135-2020 *Ben Kallos~SPONSORParks and RecreationReport on drainage systems for bathrooms located in parks.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation, jointly with the Department of Environmental Protection, to assess the number of park bathrooms that drain waste directly into a waterway rather than the sewer system and submit the findings in a report to the Council.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1469-2020 *Ben Kallos~SPONSOREnvironmental ProtectionNations around the world to implement, the United States Senate to approve, and the president to ratify a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2136-2020 *Daniel Dromm ~SPONSORFinanceAuthorizing an increase in the amount to be expended annually in two business improvement districts.IntroductionThis bill would authorize the Bryant Park business improvement district to increase the amount it expends annually from $1,600,000 to $2,500,000 and would authorize the Flatbush-Nostrand Junction business improvement district to increase the amount it expends annually from $200,000 to $350,000, in both cases retroactive to July 1, 2020.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1470-2020 *Daniel Dromm ~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense BudgetResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1471-2020 *Daniel Dromm ~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceIncrease in the amount to be expended annually for two business improvement districts.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1472-2020 *Mark Gjonaj ~SPONSORSmall BusinessHEROES Small Business Lifeline Act.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2137-2020 *Ben Kallos~SPONSORContractsEstablishing prevailing wage requirements for city-contracted human service workers.IntroductionThe proposed legislation would require payment of prevailing wages to human service workers providing human services pursuant to City contracts. Specifically, the proposed bill would require human service providers to pay their human services employees no less than the prevailing wage.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2138-2020 *Ben Kallos~SPONSOREducationProviding every public school student with an internet ready laptop computer.IntroductionThe proposed bill would require the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT), in consultation with the Department of Education (DOE) to purchase and distribute laptop computers, with built in WiFi and open source text books and educational materials, to all NYC public school students. The COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of remote learning shined a light on the inequity of all students’ ability to connect to the internet at home to facilitate their remote learning. This bill would ensure all students can continue to receive the free public education they are entitled to under the law even when physical school buildings are closed for any part of the academic year.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2139-2020 *Mark Levine~SPONSORGeneral WelfareStipend program for individuals impacted by COVID-19.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Social Services to create a one-time stipend program for any person impacted by COVID-19 who meets certain income requirements and is required to self-quarantine as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2140-2020 *Mark Levine~SPONSORMental Health, Disabilities and AddictionRequiring the department of health and mental hygiene to report response times for COVID-19 testing sites, and providing for the repeal of such provision upon the expiration thereof.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (“DOHMH”) to share expected average turnaround times for test results at public COVID-19 diagnostic testing sites. DOHMH would be required to post the information online, and update the information weekly.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1473-2020 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSOREducationDOE to provide families of children with disabilities the necessary training and equipment to properly enable distance learning.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1474-2020 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSOREducationDOE to station a distance learning specialist in each school district, to provide critical local assistance with issues related to distance learning.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2141-2020 *Carlina Rivera ~SPONSORMental Health, Disabilities and AddictionRemoving outdated clinical language, and to repeal paragraph 2 of subdivision a of section 555 of such charter in relation to a report on the establishment of the department of health and mental hygiene.IntroductionIn 2010, Congress passed Rosa’s Law, which changed references to “mental retardation” in specified federal laws to “intellectual disability,” in recognition of the fact that the term “mental retardation” is archaic, insensitive and stigmatizing, and clinically outdated. With respect to the City’s consolidated laws, the term “mental retardation” appears in 10 sections across the Charter and the Administrative Code. The proposed bill would remove references to “mental retardation” and substitute the term “intellectual disability” or “intellectual and developmental disability,” as applicable, in such sections.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2142-2020 *Ydanis A. Rodriguez~SPONSORPreconsidered - TransportationSuspending monetary liability for parking violations issued to essential workers.IntroductionThis bill would suspend monetary liability for parking violations issued to essential employees from the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency through September 30, 2020.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2143-2020 *Ydanis A. Rodriguez~SPONSORTransportationSuspend certain civil penalties for violations related to parking meters during the COVID-19 pandemic.IntroductionThis bill would suspend certain civil penalties for parking meter violations from the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency through September 30, 2020.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2144-2020 *Helen K. Rosenthal~SPONSORPreconsidered - Women and Gender EquityCulturally competent training on recognizing the signs of female genital mutilation.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Police Department, the Administration for Children’s Services, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence and service providers who work with families and contract with such agencies conduct culturally competent training for all staff on recognizing the signs of female genital mutilation and cutting, including with regard to information on resources for individuals who have undergone physical or psychological trauma.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2145-2020 *Mark Treyger~SPONSORPublic SafetyEstablishing a task force on the police department’s use of compstat.IntroductionThis bill would create a task force to evaluate and make recommendations on the police department’s use of Compstat.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1475-2020 *Mark Treyger~SPONSORGeneral WelfareCreate a universal basic income program during the COVID-19 pandemic.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 2146-2020 *Paul A. Vallone~SPONSORTransportationEstablishment of a task force to study the regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles.IntroductionThis bill would establish a task force to study the regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, and to make recommendations on regulating the use of drones in the City. The task force would be required to submit a report to the Mayor and the Council six months after the first meeting of the task force.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1476-2020 *Paul A. Vallone~SPONSORCultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup RelationsWork towards a lasting ceasefire and peaceful resolution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0691-2020 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings and DispositionsLandmarks, DSNY Queens Sanitation Garage 1, Queens (C 200238 PCQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0691-2020 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, DSNY Queens Sanitation Garage 1, Queens (C 200238 PCQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available