Meeting Name: Committee on Environmental Protection (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/14/2020 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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Int 0142-2018 *Stephen T. Levin  Preventing certain types of dust from construction from becoming airborne.IntroductionUnder current law, certain construction sites must take measures to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne. As such, certain construction sites are required to create dust mitigation plans. This bill would clarify the types of construction materials that must be accounted for in such a dust mitigation plan. Additionally, the bill would increase the minimum civil penalty for corporations that fail to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0142-2018 *Stephen T. Levin  Preventing certain types of dust from construction from becoming airborne.IntroductionUnder current law, certain construction sites must take measures to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne. As such, certain construction sites are required to create dust mitigation plans. This bill would clarify the types of construction materials that must be accounted for in such a dust mitigation plan. Additionally, the bill would increase the minimum civil penalty for corporations that fail to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0143-2018 *Stephen T. Levin  Creation of an emergency ambient air quality monitoring program.IntroductionThis bill would require the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene, to develop a program for monitoring air quality during and after major commercial and industrial fires. The bill would require monitoring the air both near the fire and at downwind locations for various specified contaminants until the site of the fire no longer emits significant levels of contaminants attributable to the fire. The bill would require that data collected pursuant to this program be posted publicly on the Department of Environmental Protection’s website. Finally, the bill would require the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to promulgate rules.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0143-2018 *Stephen T. Levin  Creation of an emergency ambient air quality monitoring program.IntroductionThis bill would require the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene, to develop a program for monitoring air quality during and after major commercial and industrial fires. The bill would require monitoring the air both near the fire and at downwind locations for various specified contaminants until the site of the fire no longer emits significant levels of contaminants attributable to the fire. The bill would require that data collected pursuant to this program be posted publicly on the Department of Environmental Protection’s website. Finally, the bill would require the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to promulgate rules.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1851-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  NYC plumbing code and the NYC building code in relation to city-wide stormwater management controls.IntroductionThis local law amends the administrative code, the plumbing code and the building code as it pertains to construction projects intended to reduce the flow of stormwater and waterborne pollutants into sewers that empty directly into the waters of the state or overflow into such waters due to rain or snowmelt events that exceed the capacity of the wastewater treatment plants. This local law is also intended to address the city municipal separate storm sewer system. For MS4 projects, this local law will ensure that the rules for such projects are not less stringent than the NYC MS4 permit and the NYSDEC Construction general permit.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1851-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  NYC plumbing code and the NYC building code in relation to city-wide stormwater management controls.IntroductionThis local law amends the administrative code, the plumbing code and the building code as it pertains to construction projects intended to reduce the flow of stormwater and waterborne pollutants into sewers that empty directly into the waters of the state or overflow into such waters due to rain or snowmelt events that exceed the capacity of the wastewater treatment plants. This local law is also intended to address the city municipal separate storm sewer system. For MS4 projects, this local law will ensure that the rules for such projects are not less stringent than the NYC MS4 permit and the NYSDEC Construction general permit.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1946-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  Outreach to building owners regarding making energy efficiency improvements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings to annually disseminate information to buildings of all sizes, including those connected to gas lines, regarding making energy efficiency improvements and complying with existing energy regulations.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1946-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  Outreach to building owners regarding making energy efficiency improvements.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Buildings to annually disseminate information to buildings of all sizes, including those connected to gas lines, regarding making energy efficiency improvements and complying with existing energy regulations.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1982-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  Marginal emissions.IntroductionThis bill would mandate that the marginal emissions rates for the electricity grid shall be the rates published by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority until the later of either Jan 1, 2023 or when the marginal emissions rate is published by rule.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1982-2020 *Costa G. Constantinides  Marginal emissions.IntroductionThis bill would mandate that the marginal emissions rates for the electricity grid shall be the rates published by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority until the later of either Jan 1, 2023 or when the marginal emissions rate is published by rule.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available