Int 0282-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | Proposed Int. No. 282-A | Exemption from taxation of alterations and improvements to multiple dwellings. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0282-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Exemption from taxation of alterations and improvements to multiple dwellings. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0282-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Exemption from taxation of alterations and improvements to multiple dwellings. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0282-2002
| A | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Exemption from taxation of alterations and improvements to multiple dwellings. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Int 0283-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | Proposed Int. No. 283-A | Tax exemption and abatement for certain rehabilitated buildings as authorized by section 488-a of the real property tax law. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0283-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Tax exemption and abatement for certain rehabilitated buildings as authorized by section 488-a of the real property tax law. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0283-2002
| * | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Tax exemption and abatement for certain rehabilitated buildings as authorized by section 488-a of the real property tax law. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0283-2002
| A | Madeline T. Provenzano | | | Tax exemption and abatement for certain rehabilitated buildings as authorized by section 488-a of the real property tax law. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available