Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/9/2001 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.       Roll call Not available
    2.Delivered by: Rabbi Jonathan Glass, Civic Center Synagogue, 49 White Street, New York, NY 10013. Motion to spread the invocation in full upon the record by COUNCIL MEMBER CARRION.      Not available
    3.Motion that the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of March 28, 2001 and April 17, 2001 be adopted and printed by Council Member Malave-Dilan.      Not available
    4.       Not available
M 1131-2001 *  FinanceCapital Projects for FY 2002 & the ensuring three fiscal years.Mayor's Message Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
M 1132-2001 *  Rules, Privileges and ElectionsEstrellita Brodsky, NYC Art Commission AppointmentMayor's Message Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
    5.       Not available
M 1133-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledULURP, 69 City-owned Properties, CD#5, Brooklyn (C010084PPK)Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
M 1134-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledULURP, 39 City-owned Properties, CD#5 (000681PPK)Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
M 1135-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledDep't of Homeless Services, Submitting annual reportCommunication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
M 1136-2001 *  TransportationBase Station License, Chelsea Express Car, Inc.Communication Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
M 1137-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledSubmitting list of capital projects to be added to FY2002 Executive Capital Budget, Queens B.P.Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
M 1138-2001 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledSubmitting list of capital projects to be added to FY2002 Executive Capital Budget, Brooklyn B.P.Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
    6.       Not available
    7.       Not available
M 1139-2001 *Martin Malave-Dilan  ULURP, 69 City-owned Properties CB#5, Brooklyn (C010084PPK)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1140-2001 *Herbert E. Berman Coupled on Call-Up VoteULURP, City Map Changes, Brooklyn (C000414(A)MMK)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 1141-2001 *Helen M. Marshall Coupled on Call-Up VoteULURP, Zoning Map Changes, Queens (M820995(B)ZMQ)Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    8.       Not available
    9.       Not available
    10.NONE      Not available
    11.       Not available
            Not available
Int 0886-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOEstablishment of the Kingsbridge BID, BronxIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0888-2001 *Martin J. Golden Coupled on GOEstablishment of the 86th Street Bay Ridge BID, BrooklynIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1001-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 400 West 152nd St, Manhattan (20015241HAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1900-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1001 - UDAAP, 400 West 152nd St, Manhattan (20015241HAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1046-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, CB#14 CD#31, Queens (20015303HAQ)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1901-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1046 - UDAAP, CB#14 CD#31, Queens (20015303HAQ)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1073-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, Mott Haven Site 3, Bronx (20015379HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1902-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1073 - UDAAP, Mott Haven Site 3, Bronx (20015379HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
Res 1693-2001 AStephen J. Fiala Coupled to be FiledMad Cow DiseaseResolution Filed by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
LU 0957-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Williamsburg I Urban Renewal Plan, Brooklyn (C000495HUK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1903-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 957 - ULURP, Williamsburg I Urban Renewal Plan, Brooklyn (C000495HUK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0958-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, City Map Change CD#33, Brooklyn (C000496MMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1904-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 958 - ULURP, City Map Change CD#33, Brooklyn (C000496MMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0959-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 498 & 500 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn (C000497HAK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1905-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 959 - UDAAP, 498 & 500 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn (C000497HAK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0979-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Rule 11.70(b) of the Rules of the Council and Section 197-(d) of the New York City CharterULURP, Zoning Map Change, CD 33 & 34, Brooklyn (000109 ZMK)Land Use Application Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 197-(d) of the New York City Charter.  Action details Not available
LU 0980-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Rule 11.70(b) of the Rules of the Council and Section 197-(d) of the New York City CharterZoning, Special Mixed Use District 4, Brooklyn (20000110ZRK)Land Use Application Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 197-(d) of the New York City Charter.  Action details Not available
LU 1001-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved and Referred to Finance pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council.UDAAP, 400 West 152nd St, Manhattan (20015241HAM)Land Use Application Re-referred pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council  Action details Not available
LU 1046-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved and Referred to Finance pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council.UDAAP, CB#14 CD#31, Queens (20015303HAQ)Land Use Application Re-referred pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council  Action details Not available
LU 1051-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, Site MN-4, CB# 10, Manhattan (20015331HAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1906-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1051 - UDAAP, Site MN-4, CB# 10, Manhattan (20015331HAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1063-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, Site MN-12 CB#10, Manhattan (20015369HAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1907-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1063 - UDAAP, Site MN-12 CB#10, Manhattan (20015369HAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1073-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved and Referred to Finance pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council.UDAAP, Mott Haven Site 3, Bronx (20015379HAX)Land Use Application Re-referred pursuant to Rule 6.50 of the Council  Action details Not available
LU 1081-2001 *June M. Eisland Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Rule 11.70(b) of the Rules of the Council and Section 197-(d) of the New York City CharterUDAAP, 39 City-owned properties, Brooklyn (C000681PPK)Land Use Application Approved with Modifications and Referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 197-(d) of the New York City Charter.  Action details Not available
LU 1082-2001 *June M. Eisland  School Construction, 501-503 West 152nd St, Manhattan (Non-ULURP# 20015296SCM )Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1908-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1082 - School Construction, 501-503 West 152nd St, Manhattan (Non-ULURP# 20015296SCM )Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1083-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Zoning Map changes, Manhattan (010213ZRM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1909-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1083 - ULURP, Zoning Map changes, Manhattan (010213ZRM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
Int 0814-2000 *Howard L. Lasher Coupled on GOName Change, Pat Mazzoli Way, BrooklynIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0820-2000 *Wendell Foster Coupled on GOName Change, Rev. Charles Britt Way, BronxIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0869-2001 *Julia Harrison Coupled on GOName Change, Officer Gabriel Vitale & Officer Anthony J. Abruzzo, Jr. Place, QueensIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0887-2001 *Wendell Foster Coupled on GOName Change, Rev. Ruben Dario Colon Place, BronxIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0895-2001 AKaren Koslowitz Amended and Laid OverName Change, Joe Queen Corner, QueensIntroduction Laid Over by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0927-2001 *Peter F. Vallone Preconsidered - Adopted and Laid OverName Change, Veterans Memorial Blvd., QueensIntroduction Laid Over by Council  Action details Not available
            Not available
M 1110-2001 *   City Planning Commission, Marilyn G. Gelber, AppointmentCommunication Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1910-2001 *Morton Povman Coupled on GOM 1110 - City Planning Commission, Marilyn G. Gelber, AppointmentResolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    12.       Not available
Int 0676-2000 ANoach Dear Re-Referred to Committee on TransportationTrees ReplacementsIntroduction Re-referred to Committee by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0900-2001 ALucy Cruz Coupled on GOFees to impartial members of the board of collective bargaining.Introduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0627-1999 AKathryn E. Freed Coupled on GODomestic FerretsIntroduction Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0979-2001 *June M. Eisland  ULURP, Zoning Map Change, CD 33 & 34, Brooklyn (000109 ZMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1911-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 979 - ULURP, Zoning Map Change, CD 33 & 34, Brooklyn (000109 ZMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0980-2001 *June M. Eisland  Zoning, Special Mixed Use District 4, Brooklyn (20000110ZRK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1912-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 980 - Zoning, Special Mixed Use District 4, Brooklyn (20000110ZRK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 1081-2001 *June M. Eisland  UDAAP, 39 City-owned properties, Brooklyn (C000681PPK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 1913-2001 *June M. Eisland Coupled on GOLU 1081 - UDAAP, 39 City-owned properties, Brooklyn (C000681PPK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
T1999-86 *  Coupled on GOCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
            Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Int 0886-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOEstablishment of the Kingsbridge BID, BronxIntroduction    Action details Not available
Int 0888-2001 *Martin J. Golden~coupledGOEstablishment of the 86th Street Bay Ridge BID, BrooklynIntroduction    Action details Not available
Res 1900-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1001 - UDAAP, 400 West 152nd St, Manhattan (20015241HAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1901-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1046 - UDAAP, CB#14 CD#31, Queens (20015303HAQ)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1902-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1073 - UDAAP, Mott Haven Site 3, Bronx (20015379HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Res 1693-2001 AStephen J. Fiala~coupledCoupled to be FiledMad Cow DiseaseResolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Res 1903-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 957 - ULURP, Williamsburg I Urban Renewal Plan, Brooklyn (C000495HUK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1904-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 958 - ULURP, City Map Change CD#33, Brooklyn (C000496MMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1905-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 959 - UDAAP, 498 & 500 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn (C000497HAK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1906-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1051 - UDAAP, Site MN-4, CB# 10, Manhattan (20015331HAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1907-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1063 - UDAAP, Site MN-12 CB#10, Manhattan (20015369HAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1908-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1082 - School Construction, 501-503 West 152nd St, Manhattan (Non-ULURP# 20015296SCM )Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1909-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1083 - ULURP, Zoning Map changes, Manhattan (010213ZRM)Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Int 0814-2000 *Howard L. Lasher~coupledGOName Change, Pat Mazzoli Way, BrooklynIntroduction    Action details Not available
Int 0820-2000 *Wendell Foster~coupledGOName Change, Rev. Charles Britt Way, BronxIntroduction    Action details Not available
Int 0869-2001 *Julia Harrison~coupledGOName Change, Officer Gabriel Vitale & Officer Anthony J. Abruzzo, Jr. Place, QueensIntroduction    Action details Not available
Int 0887-2001 *Wendell Foster~coupledGOName Change, Rev. Ruben Dario Colon Place, BronxIntroduction    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Res 1910-2001 *Morton Povman~coupledGOM 1110 - City Planning Commission, Marilyn G. Gelber, AppointmentResolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupled       Not available
Int 0900-2001 ALucy Cruz~coupledGOFees to impartial members of the board of collective bargaining.Introduction    Action details Not available
Int 0627-1999 AKathryn E. Freed~coupledGODomestic FerretsIntroduction    Action details Not available
Res 1911-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 979 - ULURP, Zoning Map Change, CD 33 & 34, Brooklyn (000109 ZMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1912-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 980 - Zoning, Special Mixed Use District 4, Brooklyn (20000110ZRK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 1913-2001 *June M. Eisland~coupledGOLU 1081 - UDAAP, 39 City-owned properties, Brooklyn (C000681PPK)Resolution    Action details Not available
T1999-86 * ~coupledCoupled on GOCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds    Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    14.       Not available
    15.       Not available
            Not available
Int 0927-2001 *Peter F. Vallone~SPONSORPreconsidered - Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and International Intergroup RelationsName Change, Veterans Memorial Blvd., QueensIntroduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1897-2001 *Peter F. Vallone~SPONSORIMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION or Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and International Intergroup RelationsVisual and Performing ArtsResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0928-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORFinanceSale of tax liens and tax lien foreclosure by action in rem.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0929-2001 *Herbert E. Berman~SPONSORFinanceAdditional tax on the city personal income tax.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1898-2001 *Noach Dear~SPONSORTransportationBase Station License, CallupResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0078-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationDedicate the Jerome Park Reservoir tract in the Bronx as parkland (S.2421-A, A.1045-A)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 1899-2001 *Kathryn E. Freed~SPONSORContractsManhattan Bridge Renovation ProjectResolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0079-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationAccidental disability benefits for sanitation members (A.7409)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0080-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationAge fifty-seven retirement program, the mandated physically taxing program and the incumbent fifty-five/twenty-five program for certain employees (S.4468, A.8415)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0081-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationUniform land use review procedures (S.3370, A.4793)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0082-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationBenefits for employees of governmental entities performing peace officer services (S.2767, A.5088)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0083-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationDesignating the official flag of the borough of Staten Island (A.4977)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0084-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationSales tax on clothing and footwear (A.6536)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0085-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationRequiring developers to post a bond to ensure compliance with any conditions of development (A.7235)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0086-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationReclassifying the retirement from the New York city police pension fund (S.3254, A.6496)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0087-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationRetirement allowances payable to New York city police officers and firefighters (S.4772, A.8487)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0088-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationPermitting police and fire personnel to accept other offices (S.4994)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0089-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationEstablishing a variable supplements fund for members of the NYCERS (S.5096, A.8483)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0090-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationEstablishment of twenty-five year/age fifty retirement programs for senior automotive service workers, etc. (S.5097, A.8482)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
SLR 0091-2001 *Gifford Miller~SPONSORState and Federal LegislationEstablishment of a twenty-five year retirement program for members of the NYCERS (S.4258-A, A.8354-A)SLR Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0930-2001 *Mary Pinkett~SPONSORGovernmental OperationsBanning campaign contributions by investment advisers connected with city pension funds.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0931-2001 *Mary Pinkett~SPONSORGovernmental OperationsMandatory debate requirements for candidates participating in the campaign finance program.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0932-2001 *Thomas White~SPONSORParks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and International Intergroup RelationsName Change, Sylvia Simowitz Way, QueensIntroduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1085-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings and Maritime UsesLandmarks, Fire Engine Company 67, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20015297HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1085-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR Landmarks, Fire Engine Company 67, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20015297HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1086-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings and Maritime UsesLandmarks, Catholic Apostolic Church, Manhattan (Non-ULURP# 20015298HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1086-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR Landmarks, Catholic Apostolic Church, Manhattan (Non-ULURP# 20015298HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1087-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings and Maritime UsesLandmarks, Suffolk Title & Guarantee Building, Queens (Non-ULURP# 20015328HKQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1087-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR Landmarks, Suffolk Title & Guarantee Building, Queens (Non-ULURP# 20015328HKQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1088-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsULURP, City Map Changes, Brooklyn (C000414(A)MMK) ULURP,Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1088-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, City Map Changes, Brooklyn (C000414(A)MMK) ULURP,Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1089-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings and Maritime UsesLandmarks, 1 Wall St. Building, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20015329HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1089-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR Landmarks, 1 Wall St. Building, Manhattan (Non-ULURP#20015329HKM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1090-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesULURP, Zoning Map Changes, Queens (M820995(B)ZMQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1090-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, Zoning Map Changes, Queens (M820995(B)ZMQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1091-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 554 West 53rd Street, Manhattan (20015395HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1091-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 554 West 53rd Street, Manhattan (20015395HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1092-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB 1, CD 33 and 34, Brooklyn (20015396HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1092-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB 1, CD 33 and 34, Brooklyn (20015396HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1093-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB11, CD 8, Manhattan (20015397HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1093-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB11, CD 8, Manhattan (20015397HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1094-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 153-10 Foch Boulevard, Queens (20015398HAQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1094-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 153-10 Foch Boulevard, Queens (20015398HAQ)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1095-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, 21 Eldert Street, Brooklyn (20015399HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1095-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, 21 Eldert Street, Brooklyn (20015399HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1096-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP,38 Rockaway Avenue, Brooklyn (20015400HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1096-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP,38 Rockaway Avenue, Brooklyn (20015400HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1097-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB10, CD 9, Manhattan (20015401HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1097-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB10, CD 9, Manhattan (20015401HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1098-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB 2, CD 17, Bronx (20015402HAX)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1098-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB 2, CD 17, Bronx (20015402HAX)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1099-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB 4, CD 34 and 37, Brooklyn (20015403HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1099-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB 4, CD 34 and 37, Brooklyn (20015403HAK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1100-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsUDAAP, CB 7-12 CD 4&7-10 Third Party Transfer Program, Manhattan (20015404HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1100-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR UDAAP, CB 7-12 CD 4&7-10 Third Party Transfer Program, Manhattan (20015404HAM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1101-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSORPlanning, Dispositions and ConcessionsULURP, 69 City-owned Properties CB#5, Brooklyn (C010084PPK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 1101-2001 *June M. Eisland~SPONSOR ULURP, 69 City-owned Properties CB#5, Brooklyn (C010084PPK)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available