Int 1272-2018
| * | Barry S. Grodenchik | | Proposed Int. No. 1272-A | Amending reporting and donor disclosure requirements for organizations affiliated with elected officials. | Introduction | Local Law 181 of 2016 requires reporting and public disclosure of donations to not-for-profit organizations affiliated with City elected officials or their agents. The proposed legislation would amend the reporting and donor disclosure requirements under Local Law 181 for organizations affiliated with an elected official or an agent of an elected official that did not spend or do not reasonably expect to spend at least 10 percent of their expenditures in the previous or current calendar year on the production or dissemination of elected official communications. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1272-2018
| * | Barry S. Grodenchik | | | Amending reporting and donor disclosure requirements for organizations affiliated with elected officials. | Introduction | Local Law 181 of 2016 requires reporting and public disclosure of donations to not-for-profit organizations affiliated with City elected officials or their agents. The proposed legislation would amend the reporting and donor disclosure requirements under Local Law 181 for organizations affiliated with an elected official or an agent of an elected official that did not spend or do not reasonably expect to spend at least 10 percent of their expenditures in the previous or current calendar year on the production or dissemination of elected official communications. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1272-2018
| * | Barry S. Grodenchik | | | Amending reporting and donor disclosure requirements for organizations affiliated with elected officials. | Introduction | Local Law 181 of 2016 requires reporting and public disclosure of donations to not-for-profit organizations affiliated with City elected officials or their agents. The proposed legislation would amend the reporting and donor disclosure requirements under Local Law 181 for organizations affiliated with an elected official or an agent of an elected official that did not spend or do not reasonably expect to spend at least 10 percent of their expenditures in the previous or current calendar year on the production or dissemination of elected official communications. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1272-2018
| A | Barry S. Grodenchik | | | Amending reporting and donor disclosure requirements for organizations affiliated with elected officials. | Introduction | Local Law 181 of 2016 requires reporting and public disclosure of donations to not-for-profit organizations affiliated with City elected officials or their agents. The proposed legislation would amend the reporting and donor disclosure requirements under Local Law 181 for organizations affiliated with an elected official or an agent of an elected official that did not spend or do not reasonably expect to spend at least 10 percent of their expenditures in the previous or current calendar year on the production or dissemination of elected official communications. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available