Int 0390-2018
| * | Eric A. Ulrich | | | Creation of a small business disaster recovery and resiliency advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would create a Small Business Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Advisory Board to study and make recommendations on potential legislation, regulation, policies, procedures and initiatives for helping small businesses engage in strategic planning to become more resilient to future natural and human-caused disasters and rebuild and reopen after suffering damage during a disaster. In addition to establishing basic procedures and requirements for the composition of the board, the bill would require that the board hold public meetings at least five times annually (once in each borough) and report its findings on May 1 of each year to the Mayor and the Council. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0390-2018
| * | Eric A. Ulrich | | | Creation of a small business disaster recovery and resiliency advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would create a Small Business Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Advisory Board to study and make recommendations on potential legislation, regulation, policies, procedures and initiatives for helping small businesses engage in strategic planning to become more resilient to future natural and human-caused disasters and rebuild and reopen after suffering damage during a disaster. In addition to establishing basic procedures and requirements for the composition of the board, the bill would require that the board hold public meetings at least five times annually (once in each borough) and report its findings on May 1 of each year to the Mayor and the Council. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available