Meeting Name: Committee on Women's Issues (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/14/2015 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Jointly with the Committee on Contracts and the Committee on Small Business
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
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T2015-3834 *   Oversight - Implementation of the City’s Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program.Oversight Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
T2015-3834 *   Oversight - Implementation of the City’s Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program.Oversight Filed, by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0923-2015 *Laurie A. Cumbo  Requiring the dept of small business services to submit an annual report regarding the satisfaction of minority and women owned business enterprises goals by recipients of economic development benefits.IntroductionThis bill would first require the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to assess and evaluate entities (by August 1 of each year, beginning 2017) to which it provided a loan, grant or tax benefit greater than $150,000, or who are involved with the sale or lease of city-owned land for a project expected to retain or create at least 25 jobs, to determine whether they met the M/WBE goals, if applicable, on the particular project. EDC would then submit this information to the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) (by November 1 of each year, beginning 2017). SBS would be required to submit an annual report (by January 1 of each year, with the first report due January 30, 2018) to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council containing information including: (i) a list of all recipients of economic development benefits; (ii) the M/WBE goals for these recipients; (iii) whether the recipient conducted a good faith effort to identify and utilize M/WBEs to achieve such goals; and (iv) if M/WBE contracting goals were not met by a recipient, a description of the reasons the goals were not met.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0923-2015 *Laurie A. Cumbo  Requiring the dept of small business services to submit an annual report regarding the satisfaction of minority and women owned business enterprises goals by recipients of economic development benefits.IntroductionThis bill would first require the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to assess and evaluate entities (by August 1 of each year, beginning 2017) to which it provided a loan, grant or tax benefit greater than $150,000, or who are involved with the sale or lease of city-owned land for a project expected to retain or create at least 25 jobs, to determine whether they met the M/WBE goals, if applicable, on the particular project. EDC would then submit this information to the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) (by November 1 of each year, beginning 2017). SBS would be required to submit an annual report (by January 1 of each year, with the first report due January 30, 2018) to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council containing information including: (i) a list of all recipients of economic development benefits; (ii) the M/WBE goals for these recipients; (iii) whether the recipient conducted a good faith effort to identify and utilize M/WBEs to achieve such goals; and (iv) if M/WBE contracting goals were not met by a recipient, a description of the reasons the goals were not met.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0976-2015 *The Public Advocate (Ms. James)  Requiring training for agency chief contracting officers and agency M/WBE officers and posting related information on the city’s website.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services to conduct mandatory trainings for agency chief contracting officers and agency minority-owned and women-owned businesses contracting officers regarding participation of minority-owned and women-owned businesses in city procurement, and to post information on its website regarding agency chief contracting officers, including the date of the last mandatory training attended by each agency chief contracting officer.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0976-2015 *The Public Advocate (Ms. James)  Requiring training for agency chief contracting officers and agency M/WBE officers and posting related information on the city’s website.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services to conduct mandatory trainings for agency chief contracting officers and agency minority-owned and women-owned businesses contracting officers regarding participation of minority-owned and women-owned businesses in city procurement, and to post information on its website regarding agency chief contracting officers, including the date of the last mandatory training attended by each agency chief contracting officer.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0981-2015 *Laurie A. Cumbo Proposed Int. No. 981-AEstablishment of an M/WBE advisory board.IntroductionThis bill would establish an advisory board to enhance city procurement opportunities for M/WBEs. The board would consist of a chair and no fewer than ten members appointed by, and serving at the pleasure of, the mayor. The board’s responsibilities would be to advise the mayor on M/WBE issues and methods of increasing M/WBE participation in procurement, to provide information to firms owned by minorities and women about opportunities and programs for M/WBEs and to encourage them to certify as M/WBEs, and to educate relevant stakeholders and others in order to support the City’s efforts to increase M/WBE opportunities through regulatory and legislative changes. The board’s chair would also be authorized to direct the board to gather and disseminate information and convene meetings to improve information sharing and the provision of advice about M/WBE issues and opportunities.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 0981-2015 *Laurie A. Cumbo  Establishment of an M/WBE advisory board.IntroductionThis bill would establish an advisory board to enhance city procurement opportunities for M/WBEs. The board would consist of a chair and no fewer than ten members appointed by, and serving at the pleasure of, the mayor. The board’s responsibilities would be to advise the mayor on M/WBE issues and methods of increasing M/WBE participation in procurement, to provide information to firms owned by minorities and women about opportunities and programs for M/WBEs and to encourage them to certify as M/WBEs, and to educate relevant stakeholders and others in order to support the City’s efforts to increase M/WBE opportunities through regulatory and legislative changes. The board’s chair would also be authorized to direct the board to gather and disseminate information and convene meetings to improve information sharing and the provision of advice about M/WBE issues and opportunities.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 0981-2015 *Laurie A. Cumbo  Establishment of an M/WBE advisory board.IntroductionThis bill would establish an advisory board to enhance city procurement opportunities for M/WBEs. The board would consist of a chair and no fewer than ten members appointed by, and serving at the pleasure of, the mayor. The board’s responsibilities would be to advise the mayor on M/WBE issues and methods of increasing M/WBE participation in procurement, to provide information to firms owned by minorities and women about opportunities and programs for M/WBEs and to encourage them to certify as M/WBEs, and to educate relevant stakeholders and others in order to support the City’s efforts to increase M/WBE opportunities through regulatory and legislative changes. The board’s chair would also be authorized to direct the board to gather and disseminate information and convene meetings to improve information sharing and the provision of advice about M/WBE issues and opportunities.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1005-2015 *Elizabeth S. Crowley  Requiring agency minority and women-owned business enterprise utilization plans to be published online.IntroductionCurrently, each agency that made more than $5 million in procurements in the previous fiscal year is required to submit a utilization plan for the following fiscal year to the Department of Small Business Services (SBS). The utilization plan details the M/WBE participation goals set by the contracting agency. Upon approval from SBS, the agency must then submit a copy of the utilization plan to the Speaker of the Council. This bill would require that these plans are also posted online for public access.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1005-2015 *Elizabeth S. Crowley  Requiring agency minority and women-owned business enterprise utilization plans to be published online.IntroductionCurrently, each agency that made more than $5 million in procurements in the previous fiscal year is required to submit a utilization plan for the following fiscal year to the Department of Small Business Services (SBS). The utilization plan details the M/WBE participation goals set by the contracting agency. Upon approval from SBS, the agency must then submit a copy of the utilization plan to the Speaker of the Council. This bill would require that these plans are also posted online for public access.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1019-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Amending reporting requirements related to M/WBE participation.IntroductionCurrently, agencies are required to report information on the number and total dollar amount of contracts awarded (by status as minority-owned business enterprise (MBE), women-owned business enterprise (EBE), emerging business enterprise (EBE), and non-certified firm) only for those contracts where the agency set participation goals. This bill would remove this limitation and instead provide this information for all agency contracts. Additionally, the bill would amend the contractual value ranges for which information is reported by clarifying that the number and total value of contracts must be reported by: those contracts at or below the micro-purchase limit, between the micro-purchase limit and the small purchase limit, and between the small purchase limit and $1 million (in addition to the already existing ranges of $1-5 million, $5-20 million, and above $25 million). Finally, the bill would require that the data providing a basis for the M/WBE report be made available to the Council electronically in an extractable format.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1019-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Amending reporting requirements related to M/WBE participation.IntroductionCurrently, agencies are required to report information on the number and total dollar amount of contracts awarded (by status as minority-owned business enterprise (MBE), women-owned business enterprise (EBE), emerging business enterprise (EBE), and non-certified firm) only for those contracts where the agency set participation goals. This bill would remove this limitation and instead provide this information for all agency contracts. Additionally, the bill would amend the contractual value ranges for which information is reported by clarifying that the number and total value of contracts must be reported by: those contracts at or below the micro-purchase limit, between the micro-purchase limit and the small purchase limit, and between the small purchase limit and $1 million (in addition to the already existing ranges of $1-5 million, $5-20 million, and above $25 million). Finally, the bill would require that the data providing a basis for the M/WBE report be made available to the Council electronically in an extractable format.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1020-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Amending reporting requirements and agency goals related to participation of minority and women owned business enterprises in procurements.IntroductionUnder local law, prior to soliciting bids or proposals for contracts valued at over ten million dollars (other than contracts for capital projects valued at over twenty-five million dollars and certain contracts that are otherwise exempt), agencies must submit the bid or proposal to the city’s chief procurement officer for a determination whether it is practicable to divide the proposed contract into smaller contracts and whether doing so would enhance competition for such contracts among minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs), women-owned business enterprises (WBEs) and emerging business enterprises (EBEs), and other potential bidders or proposers. Currently, SBS and MOCS submit within their annual M/WBE report a list of all solicitations sent to the city chief procurement officer for review, and a summary of the determination made whether to divide the proposed contract. This bill would require more detailed information about how this determination was made. Additionally, the bill would change the dates by which each agency must submit their M/WBE utilization plan (from April 1 to July 31), anticipated contracting schedule (from July 31 to June 30), and performance improvement plan (in cases where the agency failed to achieve its utilization goals) (from October 1 to January 31). Finally, the bill would remove dollar limitations on the purchases of goods for which agencies have to submit an MWBE utilization plan.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1020-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Amending reporting requirements and agency goals related to participation of minority and women owned business enterprises in procurements.IntroductionUnder local law, prior to soliciting bids or proposals for contracts valued at over ten million dollars (other than contracts for capital projects valued at over twenty-five million dollars and certain contracts that are otherwise exempt), agencies must submit the bid or proposal to the city’s chief procurement officer for a determination whether it is practicable to divide the proposed contract into smaller contracts and whether doing so would enhance competition for such contracts among minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs), women-owned business enterprises (WBEs) and emerging business enterprises (EBEs), and other potential bidders or proposers. Currently, SBS and MOCS submit within their annual M/WBE report a list of all solicitations sent to the city chief procurement officer for review, and a summary of the determination made whether to divide the proposed contract. This bill would require more detailed information about how this determination was made. Additionally, the bill would change the dates by which each agency must submit their M/WBE utilization plan (from April 1 to July 31), anticipated contracting schedule (from July 31 to June 30), and performance improvement plan (in cases where the agency failed to achieve its utilization goals) (from October 1 to January 31). Finally, the bill would remove dollar limitations on the purchases of goods for which agencies have to submit an MWBE utilization plan.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1021-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal Proposed Int. No. 1021-ARequiring a minority and women-owned business enterprise consultant for city projects with budgets in excess of ten million dollars.IntroductionThis bill would require that City contractors hire an independent MWBE consultant for every contract over ten million dollars as a way to enhance city procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses.Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Int 1021-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Requiring a minority and women-owned business enterprise consultant for city projects with budgets in excess of ten million dollars.IntroductionThis bill would require that City contractors hire an independent MWBE consultant for every contract over ten million dollars as a way to enhance city procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses.Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Not available
Int 1021-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Requiring a minority and women-owned business enterprise consultant for city projects with budgets in excess of ten million dollars.IntroductionThis bill would require that City contractors hire an independent MWBE consultant for every contract over ten million dollars as a way to enhance city procurement opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses.Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0923-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Adopting the rule amendment of the Procurement Policy Board to raise the micropurchase limit for the procurement and award of construction contracts to $35,000.Resolution Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Not available
Res 0923-2015 *Helen K. Rosenthal  Adopting the rule amendment of the Procurement Policy Board to raise the micropurchase limit for the procurement and award of construction contracts to $35,000.Resolution Laid Over by Committee  Action details Not available
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