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Roll call
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Int 1590-2017
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Training for preventive services employees. | Introduction | Preventive services are supportive services provided to children and their families for the purposes of averting an impairment or disruption of a family which will or could result in the placement of a child in foster care, enabling a child who has been placed in foster care to return to his family at an earlier time than would otherwise be possible, or reducing the likelihood that a child who has been discharged from foster care would return to care. This bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide training to all individuals providing preventive services on an ongoing basis. The bill would also require ACS to ensure that all individuals providing preventive services to attend at least one training a year, the content of which ACS determines. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1590-2017
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Training for preventive services employees. | Introduction | Preventive services are supportive services provided to children and their families for the purposes of averting an impairment or disruption of a family which will or could result in the placement of a child in foster care, enabling a child who has been placed in foster care to return to his family at an earlier time than would otherwise be possible, or reducing the likelihood that a child who has been discharged from foster care would return to care. This bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide training to all individuals providing preventive services on an ongoing basis. The bill would also require ACS to ensure that all individuals providing preventive services to attend at least one training a year, the content of which ACS determines. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1598-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Preventive services surveys. | Introduction | The bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide to all families receiving preventive services an annual survey regarding their experiences with preventive services during the preceding calendar year. The surveys would ask questions about the family’s interactions with caseworkers, the type and quality of services and suggestions for how services may be improved. The bill would require ACS to submit to the Speaker of the Council a report on its plan on the implementation of the survey. The bill would also require ACS to aggregate the data from the surveys and any steps ACS has taken in response to the data and report it to the City Council and post it on their website on an annual basis. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1598-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Preventive services surveys. | Introduction | The bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide to all families receiving preventive services an annual survey regarding their experiences with preventive services during the preceding calendar year. The surveys would ask questions about the family’s interactions with caseworkers, the type and quality of services and suggestions for how services may be improved. The bill would require ACS to submit to the Speaker of the Council a report on its plan on the implementation of the survey. The bill would also require ACS to aggregate the data from the surveys and any steps ACS has taken in response to the data and report it to the City Council and post it on their website on an annual basis. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1601-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Childstat meetings | Introduction | The proposed bill would require the Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to coordinate meetings, referred to as ChildStat, to improve ACS’ functioning with respect to child welfare practices. The meetings would be held at least once a week, and shall consist of a comprehensive review of the practices of one zone. ACS divides its child welfare division into 13 separate zones across the City based on geographic area. The bill would require the commissioner, and other senior staff to attend the meetings. At the meetings, data trends comparing the zone to all of ACS would be reviewed. There would also be an in-depth review of a randomly selected case. ACS would be required to produce semiannual reports on the results of the ChildStat meetings. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1601-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Childstat meetings | Introduction | The proposed bill would require the Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to coordinate meetings, referred to as ChildStat, to improve ACS’ functioning with respect to child welfare practices. The meetings would be held at least once a week, and shall consist of a comprehensive review of the practices of one zone. ACS divides its child welfare division into 13 separate zones across the City based on geographic area. The bill would require the commissioner, and other senior staff to attend the meetings. At the meetings, data trends comparing the zone to all of ACS would be reviewed. There would also be an in-depth review of a randomly selected case. ACS would be required to produce semiannual reports on the results of the ChildStat meetings. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1607-2017
| * | Deborah L. Rose | | | Requiring the administration for children’s services to conduct a study regarding child protective caseloads and workloads. | Introduction | This bill would require ACS to complete a study on child protective caseloads and workloads. The study would include an examination of key milestones and tasks required in a child protective investigation, an analysis of how certain factors impact the complexity of a case, an examination of the relationship between the aforementioned data, an assessment of best practices in caseload and workload standards, and recommendations for how ACS will implement best practices. The study would be required to be completed by March 31, 2019 and would be due to the Speaker of the Council by September 30, 2019. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1607-2017
| * | Deborah L. Rose | | | Requiring the administration for children’s services to conduct a study regarding child protective caseloads and workloads. | Introduction | This bill would require ACS to complete a study on child protective caseloads and workloads. The study would include an examination of key milestones and tasks required in a child protective investigation, an analysis of how certain factors impact the complexity of a case, an examination of the relationship between the aforementioned data, an assessment of best practices in caseload and workload standards, and recommendations for how ACS will implement best practices. The study would be required to be completed by March 31, 2019 and would be due to the Speaker of the Council by September 30, 2019. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1609-2017
| * | Rafael Salamanca, Jr. | | | Requiring the administration for children’s services to report annually on the aggregate findings and recommendations of its child fatality review. | Introduction | This bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to report annually on the findings and recommendations of its child fatality reviews during the previous calendar year. Such report would include the number of fatalities known to ACS for the previous year, the cause of death in such fatalities, the age, gender, race and ethnicity of children with such fatalities, any relevant trends identified and systemic recommendations, and a summary of any case practice findings and agency policy changes made in repose to child fatalities in the previous 12 months. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1609-2017
| * | Rafael Salamanca, Jr. | | | Requiring the administration for children’s services to report annually on the aggregate findings and recommendations of its child fatality review. | Introduction | This bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to report annually on the findings and recommendations of its child fatality reviews during the previous calendar year. Such report would include the number of fatalities known to ACS for the previous year, the cause of death in such fatalities, the age, gender, race and ethnicity of children with such fatalities, any relevant trends identified and systemic recommendations, and a summary of any case practice findings and agency policy changes made in repose to child fatalities in the previous 12 months. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 1462-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Support of the Home Stability Support Plan | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Res 1462-2017
| * | Stephen T. Levin | | | Support of the Home Stability Support Plan | Resolution | | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available