Int 1182-2016
| * | Margaret S. Chin | | Proposed Int. No. 1182-A | Removing deed restrictions placed on city properties when they are sold or otherwise disposed of. | Introduction | The bill would set forth a process for the removal or modification of deed restrictions by the Department for Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). DCAS would be required to conduct an extensive review of a request, including a public hearing, to determine whether the requested removal or modification furthers the best interests of the City. Following that review, the request would need to be approved by a committee of representatives from other City agencies and the Mayor’s Office, as well as the Mayor. The City would also be required to maintain an online database of any City property sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of with deed restrictions since 1966. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1182-2016
| * | Margaret S. Chin | | | Removing deed restrictions placed on city properties when they are sold or otherwise disposed of. | Introduction | The bill would set forth a process for the removal or modification of deed restrictions by the Department for Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). DCAS would be required to conduct an extensive review of a request, including a public hearing, to determine whether the requested removal or modification furthers the best interests of the City. Following that review, the request would need to be approved by a committee of representatives from other City agencies and the Mayor’s Office, as well as the Mayor. The City would also be required to maintain an online database of any City property sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of with deed restrictions since 1966. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1182-2016
| * | Margaret S. Chin | | | Removing deed restrictions placed on city properties when they are sold or otherwise disposed of. | Introduction | The bill would set forth a process for the removal or modification of deed restrictions by the Department for Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). DCAS would be required to conduct an extensive review of a request, including a public hearing, to determine whether the requested removal or modification furthers the best interests of the City. Following that review, the request would need to be approved by a committee of representatives from other City agencies and the Mayor’s Office, as well as the Mayor. The City would also be required to maintain an online database of any City property sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of with deed restrictions since 1966. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1182-2016
| A | Margaret S. Chin | | | Removing deed restrictions placed on city properties when they are sold or otherwise disposed of. | Introduction | The bill would set forth a process for the removal or modification of deed restrictions by the Department for Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). DCAS would be required to conduct an extensive review of a request, including a public hearing, to determine whether the requested removal or modification furthers the best interests of the City. Following that review, the request would need to be approved by a committee of representatives from other City agencies and the Mayor’s Office, as well as the Mayor. The City would also be required to maintain an online database of any City property sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of with deed restrictions since 1966. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available