| * | | | | Oversight - The City’s in-City Power Plants | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| * | | | | Oversight - The City’s in-City Power Plants | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0320-2014
| * | Costa G. Constantinides | | | Phase out # 4 and # 6 fuel oil in power plants in its plan to meet carbon dioxide reduction goals as set by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0320-2014
| * | Costa G. Constantinides | | | Phase out # 4 and # 6 fuel oil in power plants in its plan to meet carbon dioxide reduction goals as set by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. | Resolution | | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available