| * | | | | Oversight - Safety in the Department of Homeless Services Shelter System. | Oversight | | | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0583-2014
| * | Jumaane D. Williams | | Proposed Int. No. 583-A | Requiring reporting on crime statistics in shelters. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Homeless Services to produce an annual report detailing critical incidents occurring in homeless shelters throughout the New York City and safety measures taken to address these issues. The annual report would include: (1) the number of critical incidents occurring in shelters, disaggregated by the type of incident; (2) efforts to improve security measures in shelters; (3) any agreements, made between the department and the New York city police department or any other law enforcement entities, for the purpose of enhancing security in shelters throughout the city and (4) the type of security present in shelters, including but not limited to the number of peace officers, private security guards, or whether a shelter has no security measures. | | |
Action details
Not available