Int 0420-2014
| * | Mark Levine | | | Mitigation of construction noise within seventy-five feet of a school. | Introduction | This bill would mandate that the noise mitigation plan for construction sites within seventy-five feet of any receiving classroom in any public or private preschool or primary or secondary shall provide that noise shall not exceed 45 dB (a) during normal school operating hours and that noise levels at schools sites shall be continuously monitored during normal school operating hours. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0420-2014
| * | Mark Levine | | | Mitigation of construction noise within seventy-five feet of a school. | Introduction | This bill would mandate that the noise mitigation plan for construction sites within seventy-five feet of any receiving classroom in any public or private preschool or primary or secondary shall provide that noise shall not exceed 45 dB (a) during normal school operating hours and that noise levels at schools sites shall be continuously monitored during normal school operating hours. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available