Int 0301-2010
| * | Daniel R. Garodnick | | Proposed Int. No. 301-A | Parking violations issued for the failure to display a muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0301-2010
| * | Daniel R. Garodnick | | | Parking violations issued for the failure to display a muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0301-2010
| * | Daniel R. Garodnick | | | Parking violations issued for the failure to display a muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0301-2010
| A | Daniel R. Garodnick | | | Parking violations issued for the failure to display a muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Int 0490-2011
| * | James F. Gennaro | | Proposed Int. No. 490-A | Canceling tickets upon showing of a valid muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0490-2011
| * | James F. Gennaro | | | Canceling tickets upon showing of a valid muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0490-2011
| * | James F. Gennaro | | | Canceling tickets upon showing of a valid muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0490-2011
| A | James F. Gennaro | | | Canceling tickets upon showing of a valid muni-meter receipt. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Int 0546-2011
| * | David G. Greenfield | | Proposed Int. No. 546-A | Limiting the use of adhesive stickers on motor vehicles in the enforcement of alternate side of the street parking rules. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0546-2011
| * | David G. Greenfield | | | Limiting the use of adhesive stickers on motor vehicles in the enforcement of alternate side of the street parking rules. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0546-2011
| * | David G. Greenfield | | | Limiting the use of adhesive stickers on motor vehicles in the enforcement of alternate side of the street parking rules. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0546-2011
| A | David G. Greenfield | | | Limiting the use of adhesive stickers on motor vehicles in the enforcement of alternate side of the street parking rules. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Int 0610-2011
| * | James Sanders, Jr. | | Proposed Int. No. 610-A | Late fees at the parking violations bureau. | Introduction | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0610-2011
| * | James Sanders, Jr. | | | Late fees at the parking violations bureau. | Introduction | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0610-2011
| * | James Sanders, Jr. | | | Late fees at the parking violations bureau. | Introduction | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0610-2011
| A | James Sanders, Jr. | | | Late fees at the parking violations bureau. | Introduction | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available